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Reflective e-portfolio development

E-portfolios represent a powerful tool for developing reflective practice amongst career coaches in BSS and recording both formal and informal learning. Longer term, they also offer a potential framework for gaining formal accreditation of workplace learning. The project developed a reflective e-portfolio environment which supported the professional development of career coaches. A reflective e-portfolio was designed, constructed and implemented for Lifelong Learning advisers at Ufi Learndirect. The e-portfolio was comprised four elements:

  • Personal achievement log
  • A social networking platform
  • Feedback system
  • ‘Knowledge and Information’ section

Importantly, the design process was user-led to ensure the needs of the career coaches were met.

Project duration: 2006-2007

IER project team:

Sally-Anne Barnes

Jenny Bimrose

Project partner:

Graham Attwell, Pontydysgu


British Broadcasting Services

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