Sector studies
The Institute has always emphasised the importance of the sectoral dimension in considering changing skill demands. It has conducted many studies focussing upon particular sectors. This has included work for many sector skills councils, including Semta, Lantra, Proskills, Skills for Justice and many more.
Selected publications
- Cambridge Econometrics, Institute for Employment Research and IFF Research (2013). Working for a Green Britain and Northern Ireland 2013-23. Employment and Skills in the UK Wind & Marine. London: Renewable UK.
- Burford, B., Morrow, G., Morrison, J., Baldauf, B., Spencer, J., Johnson, N., Rothwell, C. , Peile, E., Davies, C. , Allen, M. and Illing, J. (2013). Newly qualified doctors’ perceptions of informal learning from nurses: implications for interprofessional education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(5), 394–400.
- Illing, J.C., Morrow, G.M., Rothwell nee Kergon, C.R., Burford, B.C., Baldauf, B.K., Davies, C.L., Peile, E.B., Spencer, J.A., Johnson, N., Allen, M. and Morrison, J. (2013). Perceptions of UK medical graduates' preparedness for practice: A multi-centre qualitative study reflecting the importance of learning on the job, BMC Medical Education, 13(34), ISSN 1472-6920.
- Bosworth, D., Gambin, L., Giernalczyk, H., Hogarth, T., Vogler-Ludwig, K. (2012). Sectoral perspectives on the benefits of vocational education and training (Cedefop Research Paper Number 22). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
- Morrow, G., Johnson, N., Burford, B., Rothwell, C., Spencer, J., Peile, E., Davies, C., Allen, M., Baldauf, B., Morrison, J. and Illing, J. (2012). Preparedness for practice: The perceptions of medical graduates and clinical teams. Medical Teacher, 34(2): 123-135.
- Hogarth, T. (2009). Emerging skill needs in a greener UK economy. (CEDEFOP Research Paper). In: Szovics, P., ed. Future Skills Needs for the Green Economy, Luxembourg: Publicaations Ofice of the European Union, pp. 35 - 42.
- Hogarth, T. (2008). Identification of skill needs and training priorities in the environmental science sector for the next ten years: phase 1 report. Swindon: NERC and the Environmental Research Funders Forum.
- Hogarth, T. and Hasluck, C., Davis, C. and G. McGivern, G. (2006). Medical Technologies in the West Midlands: Skills and the prospects for growing new medical technology business. Coventry: Warwick IER and Coventry and Warwickshire LSC and the ESF.
Further publications can be accessed from the IER publication pages.
Exemplar sector study reports
These sector reports and information packs were produced as part of the Labour Market Analysis project commissioned by UKCES:
- Sector Skills Insights: Advanced Manufacturing
- Sector Skills Insights: Construction
- Sector Skills Insights: Digital & Creative
- Sector Skills Insights: Education
- Sector Skills Insights: Energy
- Sector Skills Insights: Health and Social Care
- Sector Skills Insights: Professional and Business Services
- Sector Skills Insights: Retail
- Sector Skills Insights: Tourism
Selected projects
- Working for a Green Britain Update, Cambridge Econometrics (2013) More Details
- The Manufacturing workforce of the Future, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2013) More Details
- Skills for a low carbon Europe: the role of VET in a sustainable energy scenario, CEDEFOP (2011 - 2012) More Details
- Labour Market Analysis, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) (2011 - 2012) More Details
- UK Wind and Marine Industry Employment: Opportunities and Challenges 2010-2020, Cambridge Econometrics ( 2010) More Details
- Transferable Skills Across Economic Sectors - Role and Importance for Employment at European Level, EU (via RPIC-ViP s.r.o.) (2010) More Details
- Studies on Sustainability Issues-Green Jobs; Trade and Labour, EU (2009 - 2011) More Details
- Medical Tech, Biotech and Life Sciences Sector Study, UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) (2009 ) More Details