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Graphene discovery could help generate hydrogen cheaply and sustainably

Researchers from The University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have finally solved the long-standing puzzle of why graphene is so much more permeable to protons than expected by theory.

Wed 23 Aug 2023, 16:41 | Tags: research, Chemistry, Greenpower, Chemical Engineering, sustainability

University of Warwick trio win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes

Three world-class researchers from the University of Warwick have been recognised for their outstanding work by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Wed 14 Jun 2023, 13:51 | Tags: Awards, Chemistry, Prize

Using photosynthesis for Martian occupation – while making space travel more sustainable

Researchers are working on sustainable technology to harvest solar power in space – which could supplement life support systems on the Moon and Mars.

Cool as ice: How new research is helping scientists preserve cells

A method to store advanced cell models has been developed by researchers at the University of Warwick.

New discovery stops bacterial virus contamination

A new discovery by researchers at the University of Warwick could help stop bacteria being contaminated with viruses, reducing disruption and decreasing costs in industry and research.

Mon 17 Apr 2023, 17:01 | Tags: University of Warwick, research, Life Sciences, Chemistry, WMS, Sciences

University of Warwick spin out company to develop world’s only testosterone patch for menopause

A company born out of ground-breaking research at The University of Warwick has raised almost £3 million of to develop a testosterone patch for people suffering from low libido and reduced zest for life due to the menopause.

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