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Pioneering study into the support needs of Arabic families of children with autism living in the UK launched

دراسة دعم احتياجات الأسر العربية ذوي الأطفال المُشخصين بالتوحد والذين يعيشون بالمملكة المتحدة.

Researchers from the University of Warwick’s Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) have begun a pioneering study into the support needs of Arabic families of children with autism living in the UK, and are appealing for parent caregivers to share their experiences in a short survey.

Womb natural killer cell discovery could lead to screening for miscarriage risk

For the first time the functions of natural killer cells in the womb have been identified. Researchers at the University of Warwick and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust have discovered the role that they play in preparing the womb for pregnancy.

Most people in favour of screening for spinal muscular atrophy

Research from the University of Warwick indicates that most people are in favour of newborn screening for the potentially deadly condition spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

SMA is an inherited neuromuscular disorder with a wide spectrum of severities and is a leading genetic cause of infant death worldwide. However, there is no routine screening programme for SMA in the UK.

Living in a ‘war zone’ linked to delivery of low birthweight babies

Mums-to-be living in war zones/areas of armed conflict are at heightened risk of giving birth to low birthweight babies. However the evidence for any impact on the rate of other complications of pregnancy is less clear. That’s the findings of a review of the available evidence conducted by the University of Warwick and published in the online journal BMJ Global Health.

Exhibition challenges stereotype of Down Syndrome

The University of Warwick is hosting a photography exhibition which challenges preconceptions of Down Syndrome.

Trial aims to reduce serious complications caused by delivery of bigger babies

A nationwide study of 4,000 pregnant women is to determine if delivering bigger babies earlier will prevent serious complications during labour and beyond.

The clinical trial, led by a partnership between University of Warwick, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust and the Perinatal Institute, will help decide if inducing an earlier birth is preferable to pregnancies going full-term and reduce complications.

Wed 27 Sep 2017, 13:22 | Tags: Health, NHS, children, women, medicine, WMS, parenting

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