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Human rights lawyer receives honorary doctorate from the University of Warwick

Lawyer, human rights activist and prize-winning author Peter Harris has received an honorary doctorate from the University of Warwick to add to his Warwick LLM.

Paralympic rowing champion receives honorary doctorate from the University of Warwick

Double Paralympic gold medal winning rower Pam Jones (née Relph) has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Warwick.

Using adrenaline in cardiac arrests results in less than 1% more people leaving hospital alive - but nearly doubles the survivors’ risk of severe brain damage

A clinical trial of the use of adrenaline in cardiac arrests has found that its use results in less than 1% more people leaving hospital alive - but almost doubles the risk of severe brain damage for survivors of cardiac arrest. The research raises important questions about the future use of adrenaline in such cases and will necessitate debate amongst healthcare professionals, patients and the public.

Sugar improves memory in over-60s – helping them work smarter

Sugar improves memory in older adults – and makes them more motivated to perform difficult tasks at full capacity – according to new research by the University of Warwick.

Warwick ranked 4th in Europe in new Times Higher Education (THE) Europe Teaching Rankings 2018

THE (the Times Higher Education) have announced in their Thursday 12th July 2018 edition, that the University of Warwick has been ranked 4th in Europe in their new Times Higher Education (THE) Europe Teaching Rankings 2018. Only Oxford, Cambridge and the Sorbonne were ranked above Warwick.

Wed 11 Jul 2018, 23:58 | Tags: University of Warwick, teaching

Nature’s antifreeze inspires revolutionary bacteria cryopreservation technique

The survival mechanisms of polar fish have led scientists at the University of Warwick to develop of a revolutionary approach to ‘freeze’ bacteria.

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