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WMG helped keep Tetley tea on shelves during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

As the UK entered lockdown in March 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, panic buying of essential items including tea caused a massive spike in demand. With demand for products doubling in some instances, many companies struggled to keep up with supply, but Tata Consumer Products Ltd (TCPL), the parent of the Tetley tea brand in the UK, managed to keep tea on the shelves, with thanks to help from WMG, University of Warwick.

Mon 02 Nov 2020, 09:58 | Tags: supply chains, WMG, COVID-19, Sciences

A circular economy could save the world’s economy post-COVID-19

The World’s economy is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic with many industries under threat. A group of researchers from the UK, Malaysia, Nigeria, UAE and Japan, led by WMG, University of Warwick have concluded that adopting circular economy strategies would be the best way for the world’s economy to recover, whilst enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy.

New trial to treat Covid-19 in care homes using anti-TNF drug begins

A researcher at Warwick Medical School is involved in a new study to explore the effectiveness of the anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drug adalimumab as a treatment for patients with COVID-19 in the community, especially care homes.

Wed 07 Oct 2020, 15:38 | Tags: research, WMS, Warwick Medical School, COVID-19, Health and Medicine

Coventry lockdown arts project funded by universities now live

A showcase of work by Coventry artists, funded by the city’s universities and produced during lockdown, is now live for the public to view.

Boundary-spanning research centre launches six new projects

From improving mapping of species at risk to analysing the uptake of COVID-19 test and tracing apps by the public, researchers at the University of Warwick's Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM) are launching six new projects investigating how new technologies are shaping society, and demonstrating how data science can tackle current social, political and ecological challenges.

Warwick researchers investigate personalised mechanical ventilation of COVID-19 patients using computer simulations

Engineers from the University of Warwick are leading a project funded under the UK Research and Innovation rolling COVID-19 call to work with clinicians from the University of Nottingham over the next 18 months to investigate optimal strategies for mechanical ventilation of COVID-19 patients. The first results from the project have now been published in the journal Critical Care Explorations.

Mon 21 Sep 2020, 12:34 | Tags: Health, Engineering, COVID-19, Health and Medicine

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