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New research explores the link between baby birthweight, length of pregnancy and future cognitive problems

A new study has explored the link between infant birthweight, gestational age and future cognitive problems.

Thu 31 Aug 2023, 16:38 | Tags: research, psychology, Sciences

The Royal Society's 2023 Sylvester Medal is awarded to Warwick Mathematics Institute's Professor Miles Reid

The Royal Society's 2023 Sylvester Medal for outstanding contributions in the field of Mathematics has been awarded to the Warwick Mathematics Institute's Professor Miles Reid.

Wed 30 Aug 2023, 09:16 | Tags: Awards, Mathematics, Mathematics Institute

Robocrop: The robot assistants helping farmers to increase productivity

The future of farming could involve robots– as farmers seek to address labour shortages and increase crop yields.

Graphene discovery could help generate hydrogen cheaply and sustainably

Researchers from The University of Warwick and the University of Manchester have finally solved the long-standing puzzle of why graphene is so much more permeable to protons than expected by theory.

Wed 23 Aug 2023, 16:41 | Tags: research, Chemistry, Greenpower, Chemical Engineering, sustainability

LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE: You aren’t imagining it, the summer washout could be impacting your mood, here’s why.

Last month, the Met Office reported that July was the UK’s sixth wettest on record, and unsurprisingly the UK had 19% fewer hours of sunshine than average over the month, with 140.3 hours in total.

Researchers at the University of Warwick say that light is the most important environmental cue for synchronising our biological clock and regulating sleep, which if interrupted can have a detrimental effect on our mood and wellbeing.

Wed 16 Aug 2023, 08:16 | Tags: Warwick Medical School

The University of Warwick ranks in the top three Russell Group universities across all question themes in 2023 National Student Survey

Results from this year’s National Student Survey (NSS) have been published by the Office for Students. The results found that 82% of Students at the University of Warwick said they would recommend their University to future students. The University of Warwick ranks in the top 3 in the Russell Group across all question groupings.

Thu 10 Aug 2023, 16:50 | Tags: rankings, Students, Ranking

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