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How does your dog feel about training? A new research project aims to find out

On the first day of the Year of the Dog 2018, researchers at the Universities of Warwick, Cardiff and Scotland’s Rural College are launching a new website introducing an innovative research project that will study dog training as a means to explore how different training cultures shape the animal-human relationship, from the animal’s point of view as well as the human’s.

Fri 16 Feb 2018, 08:10 | Tags: Social Science, sociology, Faculty of Social Science, dogs

Striking the right balance between secrecy and accountability when undercover policing goes wrong

Police and security agencies need to work harder to defend their decision to maintain secrecy when historic police misconduct and abuse of power come under scrutiny, according to a new analysis of the legal arguments called upon to justify a kneejerk non-disclosure policy.

New research reveals RSC approach to studying Shakespeare improves language skills and helps youngsters find their voice

New research from the University of Warwick shows that using the Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) approach to studying Shakespeare can significantly improve student language acquisition and skills – with some schools reporting better SATS and GCSE English scores as a result.

Pioneering study into the support needs of Arabic families of children with autism living in the UK launched

دراسة دعم احتياجات الأسر العربية ذوي الأطفال المُشخصين بالتوحد والذين يعيشون بالمملكة المتحدة.

Researchers from the University of Warwick’s Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) have begun a pioneering study into the support needs of Arabic families of children with autism living in the UK, and are appealing for parent caregivers to share their experiences in a short survey.

Warwick academic helps launch new Mencap NI support programme for families and children with a learning disability

Professor Richard Hastings of the University of Warwick’s Centre for Educational Development Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) was one of the keynote speakers at today’s launch of Mencap NI’s new Family Support Programme, designed to help families and improve outcomes for young children with a learning disability across Northern Ireland.

Warwick academic helping to shape policy towards the Western Balkans

University of Warwick researcher Dr Andi Hoxhaj has been invited to speak at a prestigious Parliamentary seminar on 17 January 2018. Dr Hoxhaj has been asked to give his expert insight into aspects of the UK’s relationship with the Western Balkans, as the UK prepares to host the annual Western Balkans summit later this year, and considers its future relationship with these countries after Brexit.

Tue 16 Jan 2018, 11:25 | Tags: Brexit Social Science Europe 1 - Research Law

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