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Publications by our GRP Community

Some of the publications by our Theme Leads and Affiliated Researchers can be found listed below.
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The Midlife Crisis

The Midlife Crisis

Osea Giuntella, Sally McManus, Redzo Mujicic, Andrew J. Oswald, Nattavudh Powdthavee and Ahmed Tohamy (2023)

Economica, 90 (357). pp. 65-110.

Thu 22 Dec 2022, 11:04 | Tags: Andrew Oswald Redzo Mujcic Wellbeing

Which benefits would make farmers happier, and which would they choose?

Which benefits would make farmers happier, and which would they choose?

Neel Ocean and Peter Howley (2022)

Land Economics .

Wed 30 Nov 2022, 18:00 | Tags: Judgement and Decision Making Neel Ocean Wellbeing

The Economic Consequences of Increasing Sleep Among the Urban Poor

The Economic Consequences of Increasing Sleep Among the Urban Poor

Bessone, Pedro, Rao, Gautam, Schilbach, Frank, Schofield, Heather and Toma, Mattie (2021)

The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136 (3). pp. 1887-1941.

The Colour of a Free Ride

Redzo Mujcic and Paul Frijters. (2021)

The Economic Journal, 131 (634). pp. 970-999.

Sun 28 Feb 2021, 18:00 | Tags: Inequality Redzo Mujcic Wellbeing

The association between gambling and financial, social and health outcomes in big financial data

Naomi Muggleton, P. Parpart, Philip Newall, D. Leake, Ji. Gathergood, J. and Neil Stewart (2021)

Nature Human Behaviour, 5 . pp. 319-326.

Thu 04 Feb 2021, 18:00 | Tags: Behavioural Ethics Inequality Naomi Muggleton Wellbeing

Bedtime social media use, sleep, and affective wellbeing in young adults: an experience sampling study

Bedtime social media use, sleep, and affective wellbeing in young adults: an experience sampling study

Das-Friebel, Ahuti, Lenneis, Anita, Realo, Anu, Sanborn, Adam N., Tang, Nicole K. Y., Wolke, Dieter, von Mühlenen, Adrian and Lemola, Sakari (2020)

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61 (10). pp. 1138-1149.

Mon 14 Sept 2020, 18:00 | Tags: Adam Sanborn Judgement and Decision Making Wellbeing