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Applications for funding are now open!

The GRP has two streams of funding available outlined below:

  1. Small-scale funding of less than 1.5k GBP.
  2. Large-scale funding of up to 5K GBP.

Applications are considered on a rolling basis. We aim to respond to all applications within two weeks of submission. In the case of small-scale funding, larger sums will be considered if exceptionally well justified in your application.We are able to offer funding to activities that fall under our themes and are particularly keen to support cross-departmental and collaborative projects.Outcomes of the funded activities must fit one or more of the criteria listed below, further details of which will be provided on the relevant application form:

  • Benefits to business including SMEs, large multi-national and international companies and third sector businesses
  • Benefits to the public sector favourite
  • Benefits to social and community groups
  • Wider cultural benefits
  • Wider economic benefits and social benefits

Activities could include but are not limited to:

  • Seed funding to help develop a project into something suitable for an external grant
  • Funding to support visiting scholars working on habitability related research
  • Support to host events or workshops on related topics
  • Outreach activities or exhibitions
  • URSS summer projects to explore a habitability related research topic

We are also sometimes able to offer match funding for activities related to:

  • Global Challenges Research fund
  • Industrial Strategy Development Fund
  • Strategic Priorities Fund

Further information can be found in the application forms, which can be found here for small funding, and here for large funding. Please ensure you download the form appropriate to the desired scale of your proposed project.

To be notified of new or upcoming calls, please join our mailing list.

Additional Funding

Researchers requiring funding for ‘business critical’ spend, should apply to the ‘Institutional Research Support Fund’. Details of how to apply for funding can be found here. Further internal funding through the Arts Impact can be found here.In addition, support for translational research and research impact is available, specifically via the following externally funded programmes:

Researchers that are interested in applying for funds in any of these impact programmes should contact their departmental R&IS Research Impact Manager in the first instance.

For any queries, please get in touch with our GRP Administrator: Contact us