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PGR EDI Working & Advisory Group

Membership 2024-25

Chair Dan Branch (Academic Director of Graduate Studies)
Secretary Aysa Ozcan (PGR Student Development Officer EDI)

Sara Hattersley (Associate Professor, Academic Development Centre)

Ross Forman (Associate Professor, M4C Director)

Damien Homer (Head of Disability Services)

Jagjeet Jutley-Neilson (Associate Professor, Psychology)

Cherryl Jones (Widening Access and Lifecycle manager)

James Burford (Associate Professor, Education Studies)

Yousuf Antria (Immigration Services Manager)

Ashleigh Skelhorn-French (DTP Consortium Manager)

Gavin Schwartz-Leeper (Associate Professor, Liberal Arts)

Postgraduate Researchers  

Terms of Reference

Purpose: To consider matters relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) for the postgraduate research (PGR) community

To recommend: To recommend pro-active coherent set of practical EDI-related actions to PGR programmes, courses and departments.

To receive: To set an example of best practice when discussion EDI matters

To report: To provide a better flow of information to PGRs on EDI-related matters

Reporting Structure

PGR EDI WG reports directly to Postgraduate Research Subcommittee.


Secretary: Aysa Ozcan. Please forward correspondence to 




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