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Monday, June 06, 2022

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Get your writing organised stage 1- storyboard
Microsoft Teams

Get your writing organised stage 1- storyboard

How do you put all your ideas into a constructive, readable document that someone else can understand? Not sure how your ideas fit together or where they link? Then a storyboard is for you.

Whether it is thinking about your argument, your hypothesis, a storyboard is an effective way of building the structure of your writing, your research and your PhD.

The session will teach you the skills of storyboarding, with time to start building your own.

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Get your writing organised stage 2 signposting & mapping
Microsoft Teams

Get your writing organised Stage 2 – Signposting & mapping


Internal signposting to make your thesis easier to read. Our writing needs to be clear and easy for our readers to comprehend- especially when we are thinking of our thesis and our examiners. This session will examine how we can use forward and backward signposting within our chapters and introductions to ensure our examiners can follow our thesis argument. We will map our thoughts & plans so that we can be clear to ourselves & our readers.

Workshop info here

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PGR Matters: Presenting at a conference
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PhD in a Second Language series: Navigating Speaking and Listening
Microsoft Teams

PhD in second language series

A PhD is challenging. Doing it in another language makes it more so. The series is designed to support you with many aspects of the process. We cover writing and speaking, reading and presenting. We discuss how we network and create connections. We also discuss the vagaries of undertaking research in the UK, strange British habits and accents, the words that mean something entirely different and trip us up every time.

Find out more: http://

The sessions are run by a Warwick PhD and lecturer, who still occasionally struggles to find the correct English word.

Sessions are:

Navigating Speaking and Listening

Navigating Writing and Reading Difficulties in English

Presenting in Another Language

Presenting with Confidence

Networking and Conferences

Writing Literature Reviews

Editing and Proof Reading
