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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

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Dealing with Social Anxiety (especially during conference season)
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

We all get a bit shy, anxious, and embarrassed from time to time when we are due to speak or present in front of large crowds, although some of us are shyer than others. Social anxiety is used to describe feelings of anxiety and fear that occur in response to social situations.

 You can book on a PhD Wellbeing session without it appearing on your Skills Forge Record. You would not receive SF credits for your attendance but may give you the privacy you would prefer. Please book here expression of interest form (

Many postgraduate students report experiences of social anxiety, especially since the Covid pandemic and social distancing experiences. In addition, technologies although helping us to feel more connected and closer together are also taking away our social skills. Subsequently, social anxiety can make us feel distressed, overwhelmed, and feel unable to cope with social situations.

In this workshop, we aim to explain social anxiety and how to overcome it through CBT evidence-based strategies. By the end of this workshop, you will be able to recognise what social anxiety is, and what you can do to manage your own worries and doubts around social situations.

Note: This is a psychoeducation workshop, not a treatment session.

Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Early 0-14 months

Mid 12-24 months

Late 24-finish

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Why does that person prefer to work that way – Leadership and Teamwork
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

The more we understand that people have preferred different ways of working, planning, organising and communicating, the easier it is to think about how we motivate and organise our teams, lead successful projects or be a decent team member ourselves.

There are many personality profiles available to us; in this session we will be utilising MBTI The Myers & Briggs Foundation - MBTI® Basics ( to look at how different personality types and the preferences they have.

Understanding our team enables us to motivate and plan more effectively, creating a positive working space for all to thrive.

We also have a sister session which looks at how we communicate and how people prefer to be communicated with see: 'Creating positive working relationships - Communication styles'. There is also more about team styles and leadership methods in our 'Preparing for Leadership - Building teams and producing results' session.


Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Early 0-14 months

Mid 12-24 months

Late 24-finish

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Preparing for Leadership - Building Teams and Producing Results
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

We have looked at how colleagues prefer to be communicated with and how they prefer to work (see sessions - Creating positive working relationships - Communication styles and Why does that person prefer to work that way – Leadership and Teamwork)


But do we need to think about how we lead? Is there one way of leading more appropriate to our circumstances than another?


In this session we will look at situational leadership examples of where we can lead according to the situation. But also we will question whether we actually do change our leadership model, or do we default back to one method because it has worked for us in the past? We will examine the implications of each model, what it means for us as a leader or us as a team member.

By reflecting upon how we or others lead, we can question whether or how each method produces results.


A timely reflective and planning session for those moving into new roles or roles with more leadership requirements. It is best suited to those in later stages of their PhD or with employment experience to reflect upon.


Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Late 24-finish

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Research Grant Applications
This event has been organised by Researcher Development. For any enquiries please contact

Are you nervous about applying for grants, or worried that your skills won’t shine through in a covering letter?

This workshop will go through how to use evidence to successfully demonstrate strengths and potential; identify tips to be clear and succinct with your research proposal; and discuss common failings in applications.


Who is this for?

Stages of PhD

Mid 12-24 months

Late 24-finish
