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Thursday, March 24, 2022

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Families and Methodologies

IAS Early Career Fellows from Education studies, Sociology department and the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender (CSWG) have organised an online workshop on Families and Methodologies on 24thMarch (Thursday) at 9:30 am.  

This is a workshop which will focus on exploring ways in which scholars across disciplines have tried to conceptualize families and how these conceptualisations have led to different methodological frameworks and research designs. This is an amazing opportunity for students and staff working on interdisciplinary and intersectional manner on families and close relationships to share thoughts and learn from each other. 

The key speaker for this workshop, Dr. Patricia Hamilton, is a Marie Curie Research Fellow in the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Social Research Institute. Her current project examines the development of parenting leave policies in the UK from the perspective of black families, drawing on interviews and discursive analyses of policy documents since the 1970s. 

Further information about the workshop and free registration is available here. Once you register, we will email the link to the online workshop with you.  


You can also get in touch with the organisers at

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Twitter for Researchers

Twitter for Researchers:

What do you think about being on Twitter? Are you being told that you should engage more with social media? If so , this session will start with some basic housekeeping of all your social media profiles, and then  examine how to set up and manage our Twitter account, working on how to build our profile and avoid some of the idiots. We will follow this up in a few weeks time with a chance to report back on our experiences, feedback on our profiles, and any hints and tips and engaging people to follow.

Join us on the last Friday of every month for a Twitter chat hosted by the @researcher coach

There is also information on the Digital identities moodle course

 (part of the online Digital Researcher suite of Moodles) – give link to Kate

Followed up by Twitter Follow up – meet up with colleagues who have all recently joined Twitter, discuss profiles, learning (and who to follow!1)

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Research Refresh
Wolfson Research Exchange, Floor 3, Library

Pop into the Research Exchange to enjoy some coffee and cake, while chatting with other researchers.

These sessions are a great opportunity to network with other researchers, discuss your research, and to take a break so that you can return to your work refreshed and relaxed.

Research Refresh runs throughout the year, apart from University closed days.

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Writing for the Public or Writing for Academics

Writing for the Public or Writing for Academics.

Impact is increasingly important but how do you write for different audiences? What tone do you need when writing a post for an academic blog? A newspaper column? A resource for teachers? An academic article? A thesis? This workshop will cover different expectations and styles required for different types of writing.

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Postgraduate Spring Crafting
Postgrad Hub, Floor 2, Junction

Take a break with us in the Postgrad Hub and decorate some cards, eggs, candleholders and more - plus, we will have refreshments and snacks!

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From Sentence to Thesis: making every sentence work for you

From Sentence to Thesis: making every sentence work for you.

Sentences may seem simple, but confusing or misleading ones can destroy an entire argument. This session will take us back to basics: how to avoid run-on sentences and fragments; how to construct compound and complex sentences; and how to avoid ambiguity. It will also map sentence structure onto the arguments of theses. If we can understand common sentence-structure errors, we can also avoid common thesis-structure mistakes.
