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Thursday, June 30, 2022

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Hypothetically Speaking: writing hypotheses and making projections

HHypothetically Speaking: writing hypotheses and making projections.

If your research involves testing hypotheses or making projections about the future, it is important that you are confident when writing hypothetically. This workshop will cover conditionals and the subjunctive as well as looking at hypotheses or projections in published academic work. GR, TW

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NextSteps Careers- Coaching for your career
Microsoft Teams

Your own personal career coach! In addition to meeting with a Careers advisor , you can now meet with your own Career coach.

Meet with a coach to discuss your ideas and hopes for your career; start action planning and discuss through your NextSteps
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Research Refresh
Wolfson Research Exchange, Floor 3, Library

Pop into the Research Exchange to enjoy some coffee and cake, while chatting with other researchers.

These sessions are a great opportunity to network with other researchers, discuss your research, and to take a break so that you can return to your work refreshed and relaxed.

Research Refresh runs throughout the year, apart from University closed days.

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How to Respond to Feedback: redrafting and editing work RDO
Microsoft Teams

How to Respond to Feedback: redrafting and editing work.

This workshop will start by analysing different types of feedback you might receive from supervisors, examiners, and editors. It will look at how comments can be translated into meaningful improvements in your work. It will also cover what sort of feedback to expect at different stages of your PhD. There will also be some time to evaluate each other’s work.

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Writing for the Public or Writing for Academics RDO
Microsoft Teams

Writing for the Public or Writing for Academics.

Impact is increasingly important but how do you write for different audiences? What tone do you need when writing a post for an academic blog? A newspaper column? A resource for teachers? An academic article? A thesis? This workshop will cover different expectations and styles required for different types of writing.
