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PGR Networking Fund

PGR Networking Fund

Apply now for up to £300 from the Doctoral College Networking Fund. The Fund is available to bring PGRs together (both online and in person); to educate, stimulate or support (even to meet to have a laugh or do something creative together); to challenge. Whatever it is that you need to bring people together and let other people know that you are doing it.

All applications will be reviewed and successful bids will usually be notified within four working weeks. If we have any further questions or we need further details about the application we will contact you.

Applications which include a contribution secured from another source (e.g. departments) will be considered more favourably. 

Queries to: (Please put down 'PGR networking fund' as the 'subject' of your email.)

What do we expect?

We expect your networks and events can:

  • bring PGRs together, create dialogues, and promote friendship
  • educate, stimulate or support each other
  • make our PGR community a more inclusive and supportive one!

We hope to see in your application:

  • sustainability of the network - will your event(s) help create and sustain the network?
  • inclusivity and diversity of your events - whom will your event(s) benefit?

We ask you to complete a short report after your event.

Examples of things we can fund include:  

  • Speaker(s) travel costs, 
  • Prizes/incentives, 
  • Facilitators or expert in an area to lead events, 
  • Refreshments, 
  • Entrance fee to a venue/event, 
  • Resources for reading groups, 
  • List not exhaustive

Examples of things we do not fund include:  

  • promotional materials 
  • event packs 
  • conference attendance 

Guidance to applicants: 

Levels of support we can provide for catering: 

  • Tea & coffee only  
  • Roots grocery reimbursement - suitable for but limited to smaller scale events like series of seminars/reading groups. 

It might not be funding you need to arrange your event. We can help in other ways : 

Room bookings- if you are struggling to find a suitable room for your event. We are aware of spaces on campus that are bookable that might be useful for your network or event. We can help put you in touch with colleagues in the university who may also be able to support. 

Promotion- If you want help to promote your Network to the wider PGR audience, we can help do this via PGR newsletters, X (Twitter), Doctoral College website, emails to departments. Get in touch with us to see how we can support. 

Refreshments- The Doctoral College has hot water flasks and tea/coffee that PGRs can use for network meetings. If you would like to use any of this, please contact us to arrange. 

Funded events in 2023-24

The in-person workshop organised by the Comics Research Network in collaboration with the department of Italian Studies brought together Postgraduate Research students, as well as other Postgraduate students from other departments to discuss together with Dr. Anna Lanfranchi from Translation Studies and Heartstopper’s translator Anna Martino the working and research opportunities in comics translation. In the second half of the workshop we discussed the peculiar translation strategies of comics, by actively translating parts of the fifth volume of the Heartstopper series from English into various languages spoken by the participants. The event was followed by drinks and refreshments, which offered a great opportunity for networking among Postgraduate Students sharing an interesting in comics and translation. The event was very successful and attracted over 30 participants and was made possible thanks to the Doctoral College’s Networking Fund.

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