
We want to hear about your supervision experiences: stories, challenges, solutions, resources, advice.
We want to help you use the Vitae Reserch Development Framework to get the most out of your supervisors.
Join us for networking events to explore how to develop a productive relationship with your supervisor, what to do when things go wrong, and what support is available to make your supervisions superb!

Term 2 Sessions
- Workshop 1: Networking
- F2F: 18th January, 1pm
- Online: 25th January, 5pm
- Workshop 2: Collaboration
- F2F: 1st February, 1pm
- Online: 8th February, 5pm
- Workshop 3: Problem Solving
- F2F: 15th February, 1pm
- Online: 22nd February, 5pm
- Workshop 4: Self-Reflection
- F2F: 1st March, 1pm
- Online: 8th March, 5pm
- Workshop 5: Work-life balance
- F2F: 15th March, 1pm

Please get in touch with us:
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