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EUTOPIA 25-26 PhD Scholarship Application Form

This call is now open and accepting applications.

Complete the EUTOPIA PhD Co-tutelle 2025 Application Form and upload it, plus the other supporting documents required, to the form below by 2 May 2025.

Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Quality of the proposed research project: relevance to the research field; topicality and originality; methodology and feasibility.
  • Qualification of the research team: track record of the co-supervisors; quality and potential of the PGR applicant.
  • Added value of the Co-Tutelle: track record of past collaborations; suitability of each partner University; synergies made possible by this Co-Tutelle.
  • Institutional pertinence of the proposal: alignment to institutional research priorities; degree of reciprocity between the universities.


PGR Applicant


Please upload the following either as 6 separate attachments, or as a zip file:

  1. EUTOPIA PhD Co-tutelle 2025 Application Form
  2. Warwick Supervisor CV (short form)
  3. Host Supervisor CV (short form)
  4. Warwick Head of Department Letter of Support
  5. Host Head of Department Letter of Support
  6. Letter confirming willingness to admit candidate from the Host Doctoral School/Office (New for 2025)

Note: PGR Applicant CV, certificates, transcripts and references will be imported from their course application form.

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