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PGT Alumni Discount


Please email if you have any questions.

How many awards are there and what is their value?

Warwick are offering a 10% tuition fee discount for graduates of Warwick accepted onto selected full-time postgraduate masters level courses.

What are the eligibility criteria?

The 10% tuition fee discount will be available to Warwick graduates who have Home or Overseas fee status. They must be a graduate of Warwick at level 6 or above (e.g. Bachelor's Degree).They must be self-funding and have no other source of financial support from outside of the University of Warwick other than a student loan. They will not be eligible if they are a student sponsored by or holding a scholarship from an external organisation. Some course restrictions apply, including our MBA, PGCE and MBChB courses. You can see whether a course is eligible from the chosen course page.

If you have any queries regarding student eligibility to the scheme, please contact Claire Boyes in Admissions

How do applicants apply?

Students to not need to apply, discounts will be coded by staff with the following process.

  1. A SITs report has been created which will list all offer holders for each department who are eligible for the AD in terms of their qualification and chosen PGT course. This will be generated on the 1st August centrally and used to create the relevant SSP within the student finance system to ensure the amount the student is invoiced reflects the discount at the point enrolment, with the AD to be chargeable to the department. For any students who are made offers after this date there may be a delay before the discount shows on their account – please ensure students are aware of this.
  2. This same report will be distributed to departments at the start of August via email from the SITs system. It will be sent to the department contacts held within PG Admissions – please make sure this is correct. The email will contain instructions to forward to the person within the department who is responsible for request the New Awards for PGT students.
  3. The value of the Alumni discount is 10% of the course fee and this needs to be included in your New Awards return to PG Scholarships due Friday 13th August. Please round the amount to the nearest full pound i.e., Discount of £448.10 = £448.
  4. Departments are required to fund the discount and therefore must provide a cost code for the award. Please be aware that students are only eligible to receive the 10% Alumni Discount if they are not in receipt of any other external funding (e.g. UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Industry, Research, employer). Please only include students in your return who have accepted their offer.
  5. If departments have made their own fee awards to students please ensure it is clear the total fee award value, inclusive of all schemes and AD, that the students will be given, both on your return to PG Scholarships, but also in funding offers to students. i.e. is the department award inclusive or additional to the Alumni discount?

Note: WTMSS award holders are still eligible for the 10% alumni discount which is to be included in the departments New Awards return. The Doctoral College will adjust the WTMSS award accordingly to apply to the remaining 90% balance of the fee.

If you have a finance query or PG Scholarships query, please contact Nicola Attridge in PGR Funding