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Delete a small group event

Deletes a small group event object if a valid identifier was provided.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.SmallGroups.Delete ("Delete small groups") on the linked small group set. By default, roles that have this permission are:

  • Module Manager
  • Departmental Administrator
  • User Access Manager

Information about API permissions



URL substitution variables

:moduleCode The lowercase form of the module code for the module containing the linked small group set, e.g. ch225
:smallGroupSetId The unique identifier for the linked small group set
:smallGroupId The unique identifier for the linked small group
:smallGroupEventId The unique identifier for the small group event

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok"

Tabula API Methods