The Assignment object
The assignment object returned by Tabula has the properties documented below. Not all properties are guaranteed to be present for a given assignment—for example, submission-related fields such as fileAttachmentLimit or wordCountMin will not be present for assignments that do not collect submissions. For more information on the logic determining which fields are present, the implementation code is available.
id |
A unique identifier for the assignment |
archived |
A boolean value, true if the assignment is archived, false otherwise |
academicYear |
A string representation of the academic year in yy/yy format, e.g. 13/14 |
name |
The name of the assignment |
studentUrl |
The URL that a student would go to to submit the assignment or receive feedback |
summaryUrl |
The URL that an admin would go to when reviewing the assignment |
collectMarks |
A boolean value, true if the assignment collects marks, false otherwise |
useMarkPoints Since version 2019.12.1 |
A boolean value, true if the assignment uses the 20-point marking scale, false otherwise |
markingWorkflow |
An object representing the marking workflow in use by this assignment, with two properties: id and name |
feedbackTemplate |
An object representing the feedback template in use by this assignment, with two properties: id and name |
summative |
true if the assignment is summative, false if it is formative |
dissertation |
true if the assignment is a dissertation, false otherwise |
collectSubmissions |
A value of |
displayPlagiarismNotice |
true if the plagiarism notice is displayed to students when submitting, false otherwise |
restrictSubmissions |
true if only students who are in the student membership are allowed to submit, false otherwise |
allowLateSubmissions |
true if late submission is allowed for students who have not previously submitted, false otherwise |
allowResubmission |
true if students are allowed to resubmit up to the deadline, false otherwise |
allowExtensions |
true if students are allowed to request extensions (and the department allows it), false otherwise |
fileAttachmentLimit |
The maximum number of attachments a student can submit. Must be 1 or more |
fileAttachmentTypes |
An array of strings containing file extensions that students are allowed to submit. If empty, students can submit any file |
submissionFormText |
Text displayed to students when submitting |
wordCountMin |
The minimum word count a student must declare to be able to submit, or null if word counts aren't required or there is no lower limit |
wordCountMax |
The maximum word count a student must declare to be able to submit, or null if word counts aren't required or there is no upper limit |
wordCountConventions |
Text displayed to student when they submit their word count |
submissions |
The current number of submissions to the assignment |
unapprovedExtensions |
The current number of extensions waiting to be approved |
studentMembership |
An object representing the membership of the assignment. Contains four properties:
sitsLinks |
An array of objects representing the active links to SITS membership for the assignment. Each object contains four properties:
openEnded |
A value of |
opened |
true if the assignment's open date has passed, false otherwise |
closed |
true if the assignment's close date has passed, false otherwise |
openDate |
The open date of the assignment in ISO date-time format |
closeDate |
The close date of the assignment in ISO date-time format |
feedbackDeadline |
The deadline for feedback to be returned to students in ISO date format |
feedback |
The current number of items of feedback |
unpublishedFeedback |
The current number of items of feedback that have not been published to students |
Tabula API Methods
- Overview
- The Member object
- The StudentCourseDetails object
- The StudentCourseYearDetails object
- The StudentRelationship object
- The Student RelationshipType object
- The ModuleRegistration object
- Retrieve a member
- Retrieve multiple members
- Retrieve a member's relationships
- List relationship agents in dept.
- Search for members