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Retrieve a Member's Timetable Events

Retrieve a list of all calendar events between two dates, for a particular person.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.Profiles.Read.Timetable ("View a member's personal timetable") on the member. By default, administrators, tutors and the person themselves have this permission.

Information about API permissions



URL substitution variables

:universityId The 7-digit university ID of the member to get the timetable for, e.g. 1234567. You can use the special value me to request the currently authenticated user's timetable

Request parameters

academicYear Optional The academic year to fetch the timetable, in the format yy/yy - e.g. 13/14
start Optional The start date to show events between, in the format dd-MMM-yyyy - e.g. 01-Dec-2015. Defaults to the current date minus one month. Inclusive.
end Optional The end date to show events between, in the format dd-MMM-yyyy - e.g. 01-Dec-2015. Defaults to the current date plus one month. Inclusive.

Note: The Syllabus+ dataset usually only keeps information for the current academic year. There is a period during August and September where the "calendar" academic year is different to the current "SITS" academic year; i.e. the SITS academic year rolls over "early" to the new academic year. During this time, it may be preferable to explicitly state which academic year you wish to retrieve events for.

A gotcha with specifying academicYear without start and end: Even if you specify a past academic year or the current academic year, the default start and end parameters will restrict the events returned to recent and upcoming events. It is advisable to be explicit and specify all three parameters.

Example request


Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
events An array of event occurrence objects

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "events": [
      "eventType": "Lecture",
      "location": {
        "name": "MS.01",
        "locationId": "41283"
      "description": "",
      "context": "CS118",
      "staffUniversityIds": [
      "start": '2014-09-03T09:00:00',
	  "end": '2014-09-03T10:00:00',
      "uid": "45bbe3265829ec49817b4dcb0c51115b",
      "title": "",
      "name": "CS118L",
      "day": "Thursday",
      "comments": null
      "eventType": "Lecture",
      "location": {
        "name": "H0.52",
        "locationId": "21337"
      "description": "",
      "context": "CS118",
      "staffUniversityIds": [
	  "start": '2014-09-04T09:00:00',
	  "end": '2014-09-04T10:00:00',
      "uid": "8149a1f09e05134d5213fe65defaa30f",
      "title": "",
      "name": "CS118L",
      "day": "Monday",
      "comments": null

Tabula API Methods