The Small Group Set object
The small group set object returned by Tabula has the following properties:
id |
A unique identifier for the set of small groups |
archived |
A boolean value, true if the small group set is archived, false otherwise |
academicYear |
A string representation of the academic year in yy/yy format, e.g. 13/14 |
name |
The name of the small group set |
format |
The small groups format, one of:
allocationMethod |
The method for allocating students to groups, one of:
releasedToTutors |
A boolean value, true if the allocations have been released to tutors, false otherwise |
releasedToStudents |
A boolean value, true if the allocations have been released to students, false otherwise |
emailTutorsOnChange |
A boolean value, true if changes should generate an email to tutors, false otherwise |
emailStudentsOnChange |
A boolean value, true if changes should generate an email to students, false otherwise |
studentsCanSeeTutorName |
A boolean value, true if students are allowed to see the name of the event tutor(s), false otherwise |
studentsCanSeeOtherMembers |
A boolean value, true if students are allowed to see the details of students in the same group, false otherwise |
defaultMaxGroupSizeEnabled |
A boolean value, true if newly created groups should use the set default max size, false otherwise |
defaultMaxGroupSize |
If defaultMaxGroupSizeEnabled is true , this is the maximum group size to be used for newly created groups |
collectAttendance |
A boolean value, true if attendance should be collected at events, false otherwise |
allowSelfGroupSwitching |
Only if allocationMethod is StudentSignUp . A boolean value, true if students are allowed to switch groups until sign-up is closed, false otherwise |
openForSignups |
Only if allocationMethod is StudentSignUp . A boolean value, true if sign-up is open, false otherwise |
linkedDepartmentGroupSet |
Only if allocationMethod is Linked . The unique identifier of the linked department group set |
studentMembership |
An object representing the membership of the small group set. Contains four properties:
sitsLinks |
An array of objects representing the active links to SITS membership for the small group set. Each object contains four properties:
groups |
An array of small group objects for each group in the set |
Tabula API Methods
- Overview
- The Member object
- The StudentCourseDetails object
- The StudentCourseYearDetails object
- The StudentRelationship object
- The Student RelationshipType object
- The ModuleRegistration object
- Retrieve a member
- Retrieve multiple members
- Retrieve a member's relationships
- List relationship agents in dept.
- Search for members