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Retrieve Term Weeks

Retrieve a list of term weeks for a specified academic year, or the current academic year if no year is specified.

Content negotiation

The API will return JSON by default, but will return iCal if the request is made with a Accept: text/calendar request header or the request URL ends with .ics.

Permission requirements

This API is public.






URL substitution variables

:academicYear The academic year to get term dates for, as a 4-digit start year - e.g. for 13/14, use the string 2013. Defaults to the current calender academic year (i.e. starting from Monday, week 1)

Request parameters

numberingSystem Optional The naming system for weeks, one of:
  • academic (default) - weeks run from 1 to 52 throughout the year
  • term - the first week of the first term is Term 1, Week 1; the first week of the second term is Term 2, Week 1
  • cumulative - the first week of the first term is Week 1; the first week of the second term is Week 11
  • none - always use dates

Example request


GET (iCal)

Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful JSON response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
weeks An array of week objects, containing the following properties:
  • weekNumber - the academic week number for a particular week (regardless of the naming format)
  • start - the start date of the week, in ISO date format
  • end - the end date of the week, in ISO date format
  • name - the name of the week, based on the naming format

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "weeks": [{
    "weekNumber": 1,
    "start": "2015-10-05",
    "end": "2015-10-11",
    "name": "Term 1, week 1"
  }, {
    "weekNumber": 2,
    "start": "2015-10-12",
    "end": "2015-10-18",
    "name": "Term 1, week 2"
  },  ...]
Term weeks

This calendar contains events that span entire weeks with the academic week number and term name.

Subscribe to calendar

If you're using an external application such as Google Calendar, copy this link: Link for Google Calendar

Tabula API Methods