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Monitoring Point Reports (to SITS) by year

Warning: if you use Tabula to record missed monitoring points, you should not use this API method to report the number of missed points back to SITS. This method is for setting the number of missed points where monitoring points are recorded outside of Tabula; there will be no record within Tabula of the number of missed points.

Creates one or more Monitoring Point Reports for a list of students for a given academic year and synchronises the number of missed monitoring points with SITS:eVision. This should include the cumulative number of unauthorised missed points that a student has had for a particular academic year, including sending 0 for students who had previously missed a point but now haven't.

This method can (and should) be called repeatedly with cumulative values for the number of missed points for an academic year. The information will only be synchronised with SITS:eVision where the information has changed.

Permission requirements

The user must have Permissions.MonitoringPoints.Report ("Report monitoring points") on the submitting department. By default, roles that have this permission are:

  • Departmental Administrator
  • User Access Manager

Information about API permissions



The request Content-Type must be set to application/json

Note that the POST request method is also supported for legacy integrations.

URL substitution variables

:departmentCode The lowercase form of the department code for the department submitting the report, e.g. ib or ec

Request parameters

academicYear Required The academic year to report points for, in the format yy/yy - e.g. 13/14
missedPoints Required A JSON object mapping of University ID (as a string) to an integer representing the number of missed points for the academic year

Note: For convenience, it's possible to send SPR codes as keys to the missedPoints object, but the code itself is ignored - only the 7-digit University ID is taken.

Example request

  "academicYear": "13/14",
  "missedPoints": {
    "1400001": 1,
    "1400002": 2,
    "1400003": 3,
    "1400004": 1

Response parameters

An unsuccessful response will be returned in the standard format. A successful response will return the HTTP code 200 OK and the following parameters:

success Boolean true
status The string "ok"
academicYear The academic year in the format yy/yy - e.g. 13/14
missedPoints A JSON object mapping of University ID (as a string) to an integer representing the number of missed points for the academic year

Example response

  "success": true,
  "status": "ok",
  "academicYear": "13/14",
  "missedPoints": {
    "1400001": 1,
    "1400002": 2,
    "1400003": 3,
    "1400004": 1

Tabula API Methods