This course has two components – a taught component accounting for two thirds of your time and effort, and a research component (dissertation) accounting for one-third.
For the taught component, we blend lectures with seminars, syndicate exercises, simulations, and case studies. Each module is delivered intensively over one full week or two half weeks, and classes are deliberately kept small to encourage interaction. Larger scale lectures are delivered for some modules and are backed up by seminar and syndicate activities.
Our module leaders have extensive industry experience. Guest speakers from the healthcare sector also contribute regularly, bringing real-world insight into your learning experience.
Class sizes
Overall this course can accommodate up to 25 students.
Typical contact hours
Our courses are modular in structure, with modules generally being taught in intensive one-week blocks from Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 6.00pm. Some modules will be taught over two half weeks or more, and occasionally you may be required to attend weekend sessions.
In addition to the taught component, you will have online pre-module preparation, and a substantial Post Module Assignment (PMA) following each module.
Each module accounts for 150 hours of learning time, divided between pre-work, in-module time, and post module assessment.
At the end of each module, you will be given a Post Module Assignment (PMA) based on the learning objectives of that module. This is a piece of assessed written work which should take around 110 hours to complete. Most modules also have some in-module assessed work.
For the research component, each student undertakes a major individual project, which will develop your research and analytical skills and enable you to specialise. This project accounts for 33% of your overall credits and is submitted in the form of a dissertation of approximately 20,000 words.
Reading lists
Most departments have reading lists available through Warwick Library. If you would like to view reading lists for the current cohort of students you can visit our Warwick Library web pageLink opens in a new window.
Your timetable
Your personalised timetable will be complete when you are registered for all modules, compulsory and optional, and you have been allocated to your lectures, seminars and other small group classes. Your compulsory modules will be registered for you and you will be able to choose your optional modules when you join us.