We take a creative approach which blends experiential teaching, drama, business simulation software and role play on different modules during the course. This allows you to apply your learning to real life scenarios, try out new leadership techniques and generate creative responses to challenges. By building your leadership and management skills you can increase your confidence and prepare for any scenario.
Syndicate group work is an essential part of the Full-time MBA, allowing you to perfect your presentation and negotiation skills. You will be part of the same group for the entirety of your required modules and will become part of different groups as you undertake your electives.
Class sizes
Class sizes comprise of between 100 and 120 students split into two cohorts.
Typical contact hours
You will study eight required modules and four elective modules. Typically, each module will consist of approximately 30 hours preparation and pre-reading, 30 hours of academic delivery and 40 hours writing the assignment(s).
As a Full-time MBA participant, you'll have the opportunity to deliver real positive impact through your Capstone module. You have three options to choose from to complete this module; a strategic consulting project, an internship or a traditional dissertation.
Strategic consulting project
The strategic consulting project will see you working for a real organisation, alongside a small team of your peers, for 10 to 12 weeks over the summer period. The project will provide you with hands-on experience of consulting on a specific business challenge in an industrial, commercial or public sector organisation. Although you will be working as a team on the same client project, you will each answer a distinct research question for your individual consulting report, enabling you to put everything you have learnt into practice while offering the chance to network and showcase your individual talent. 10% of your assessment will be based on group work and 90% based on your report. You will choose your own group to work with and we will support you in sourcing your project.
If you're looking to add a work placement to your MBA, then you have the option to undertake an internship of between six and twelve weeks, in the UK or overseas. Your internship will allow you to take on a manager’s mindset, critically evaluating the practices you see during your time in business, identifying general management perspectives and reflecting on activities that are key to success. Assessment will take the form of a short mid-term report and a learning journal, followed by a longer reflective piece.
The Employer Relations team will advertise any employers internship opportunities from our key partners throughout the year and you can also apply directly through company websites too. The Careers Coaches will be on hand to support you with your applications.
Alternatively, you can opt to undertake a dissertation. Although more academic with a focus on theory, it is still highly relevant in the world of business. It will demonstrate that you can assimilate your learning, take multiple perspectives on a business issue and explore your subject thoroughly. We will support you in sourcing your project.