Dr Jenny Wing Haang Mak
I am a writer and Early Career researcher in English and Comparative Literary Studies. My PhD thesis, Kinaesthetic Bodies in Contemporary Literature, looked at how post-1950 literature from different cultural sites (including the Caribbean, South Korea, Nigeria, Japan, U.S., U.K., and India) represents embodied experiences of globalisation, particularly bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence as a form of resistance. My thesis was supervised by Dr Rashmi Varma and Prof Thomas Docherty.
I produce and perform short stories, poetry, plays, screenplays, film shorts, blogs - some of which have been shortlisted or won awards. I currently co-lead the PG Creative Writing Group. I am also the creator and presenter of Flash Fix, an award-winning Warwick Radio show broadcasting short-form fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Visit Creative Work for more details.
Research interests
Creative Writing & Critical Practice | Filmmaking | Bodily-Kinesthetic Movement & Performance Studies | Contemporary & World Literature | Embodied Experiences of Globalisation | Postcolonial Literature & Resistance | Literary Representation & Aesthetics
Co-convenor, lecturer, seminar tutor, EN2C4/EN3C4 New Literatures in English
Seminar tutor, EN101 Epic into Novel
Seminar tutor, Academic Writing
Workshop Leader, PG Creative Writing Group
Assistant Writer, Spark Young Writers with Writing West Midlands
Creator and Workshop Leader, Body and Technology public engagement workshops (under development)
Seminar tutor, Academic Writing (English and Economics UG)
Delivered one-off lectures and seminars for EN374 Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text, EN251 New Literatures in English, and EN122 Modes of Reading.
Led a creative writing workshop for Australian students visiting Warwick, supported by Widening Participation. Led two creative writing workshops for the PG Creative Writing Group.
Co-led a pedagogical workshop Dynamic Student Engagement with Karen Borg Cardona, supported by the Academic Development Centre.
Seminar tutor, EN123 Modern World Literatures
Co-led one-off seminar for EN904 Problems and Modes in Postcolonial Literature
Conference Papers
The Kin-Erotic Tongue in Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy, Arts Faculty Postgraduate Seminar Series, University of Warwick (29 Oct 2014)
Shame, Body and Author-ity in Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy, Shame and the Act of Writing Symposium, University of Warwick (19 Sep 2014)
The Kin-Erotic Tongue in Jamaica Kincaid's Lucy, Global Studies Association Annual Conference 2014: 'Cultural Encounters and Global Connectivity', York St John University (26-28 Jun 2014)
The Transmogrifying Re-presentation of Postcolonial Resistance Identity in Shame, Texaco and 'Pterodactyl, Puran Sahay, and Pirtha', 9th Annual Postgraduate Symposium, Dept of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick (23-24 May 2013)
Editorial & Production Director, Read Me Anthology (2013)

Wing dot Mak at warwick dot ac dot uk
all discourse is 'placed', and the heart has its reasons
Stuart Hall
EN101 Epic into Novel
Office hours for Term 3, Wk 1
Thursday, 11-12 pm
Friday, 10-11 am
Please email me for an appointment on Microsoft Teams