Computing Your Future: Workshops
The Workshops will be of three kinds, as follows.
The Day in the Life of ... ones describe typical activities and scenarios for someone with a given job title.
The Degrees for You ones are to help you sort out the jungle of thousands of computing degree courses that are available.
The Hot Topics ones describe briefly, with some illustration, technical developments which seem to be especially significant.
The aim was that every school student visitor will participate in three workshops being one of each kind. That's not quite worked but is true for most. Unfortunately we cannot give you a free choice for which workshop you attend because of space and equipment limitations. Employer reps not involved in presentation, and teachers, are free - at their discretion - to join any of the Workshops as they wish.
School students will get your personal schedule from your Guide when you arrive.
The Workshops which we expect to be running include the following. (These may change but on the day there will be five or six of each.)
Day in the Life of....
(1) A Software Developer (Peter Dickman, Google), CS007
(2) A Video Game Programmer (Andrew Hague, Blitz Games Studios), CS104
(3) An IT Architect - Skills for a Smarter Planet (Peter Cripps, IBM), IMC Executive Board Room
(4) An IT Consultant (Anne Kelly, CapGemini), CS003
(5) A Computing Teacher (Lorna Lyle, TeachFirst), CS107
(6) A Project Manager (Swati Goel, Credit Suisse), IMC004
Degrees for You
(7) A Difference of Degree (Steve Russ, Warwick Computer Science), CS101
(8) What's inside the tin? (Irene Glendinning, Coventry University), CS105
(9) Some students' Final Year Projects (Warwick Computer Science), IDL Syndicate Room
(10) Some students' First Year Projects (Group of 1stYr students, Coventry Creative Computing), IMC 002
(11) A second year group software project (Warwick CS and Deutsche Bank), B1.16
(12) Ethical hacking and network Security (Brian Moore, Coventry University), CS102
Hot Topics
(13) Haptic Interaction with Virtual Scenes (Mitan Solanki, International Digital Laboratory), IDL Workshop Room
(14) Constructivist Computing (Meurig Beynon, Warwick Computer Science), CS001
(15) Oops, where's my Data? (Matthew Hocking, Warwick Manufacturing Group), IDL First floor Teaching Area
(16) Computational Biology (Sara Kalvala, Warwick CS), IMC Board Room 2
(17) First Steps with Greenfoot (Margaret Low, WMG), IDL Computer Lab