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Digitally Empowering Young People: The Podcast

“Digitally Empowering Young People: The Podcast” is a ground-breaking podcast series hosted by Dr. Roxanne BibizadehLink opens in a new window.

In this inaugural series, we delve into the pressing issue of technology-assisted child sexual abuse material, focusing particularly on the misleading term “self-generated”, which problematically places the blame on the victim. Through this series, we aim to raise awareness and spark vital conversations among educators, parents/carers, law enforcement agencies and professionals working with young people.

Each episode features a distinguished expert voice, offering invaluable insights and perspectives on this critical issue. Contributors include esteemed organisations such as the Internet Watch Foundation, Marie Collins Foundation, National Policing Vulnerable Knowledge and Practice Programme, Parent Zone, Kent County Council, and Voice Box.

Our final episode is created especially for young people, providing them with essential information and resources to navigate the digital landscape safely and responsibly.

To listen to our podcast series, visit us on Spotify: opens in a new window

For more information about this project and to stay updated on our latest initiatives, please visit our website: www.deyp.orgLink opens in a new window

We’re proud to announce that this project is funded by the ESRC IAA.

Dr. Fanghui Liu on AAAI-24 New Faculty Highlights

Dr Fanghui Liu was selected as a speaker in AAAI 2024 New Faculty Highlights Program to present his research on machine learning theory as well as theoretical-oriented applications.

Mon 04 Mar 2024, 09:00 | Tags: People Highlight

Computer Science Alumni Reunion Conference 2024

The Department of Computer Science is hosting the alumni reunion conference on March 22nd - bringing together current and past students, along with academics and researchers to enjoy a day of talks and demonstrations.

Tue 27 Feb 2024, 16:00 | Tags: Conferences Alumni

Protein biomarkers predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis – according to new study

In the largest study of its kind, scientists have shown how protein “biomarkers” predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis.

The research, published today in Nature Aging, shows how profiles of proteins in the blood accurately predict dementia up to 15 years prior to clinical diagnosis. These are known as biomarkers, which are molecules found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease.

In the study, scientists from The University of Warwick and Fudan University, Shanghai used the largest cohort of blood proteomics and dementia to date, including blood samples from 52,645 healthy participants recruited from UK Biobank – a population-based study cohort.

Blood samples collected between 2006 and 2010 were frozen and then analysed 10-15 years later by the research team who analysed them between April 2021 and February 2022. Until March 2023, a total of 1,417 participants went on to develop dementia – and these people’s blood showed dysregulation of protein biomarkers.

Of 1,463 proteins analysed, aided by with a type of artificial intelligence known as machine learning, 11 proteins were identified and combined as a protein panel, which the researchers have shown to be highly accurate at predicting future dementia. Further incorporation of conventional risk factors of age, sex, education level and genetics, showed for the first time the high accuracy of the predictive model, measured at over 90%*, indicating its potential future use in community-based dementia screening programs.

Proteins (for example Glial Fibrillary acidic protein, GFAP) had previously been identified as potential biomarkers for dementia in smaller studies, but this new research was much larger and conducted over several years. Known as a longitudinal analysis (a study conducted on a sample of participants over a number of years), the researchers were able to show the differences and trajectories between those with dementia and controls across 15 years.

An early diagnosis is critical for those with dementia. New drug technology can slow, or even reverse the progress of Alzheimer’s, but only if the disease is detected early enough. The drug lecanemab is one of two new treatments for the disease.

Lead author Professor Jianfeng Feng, from the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, hopes future drugs may be developed to interact with the proteins identified in the study.

Professor Feng emphasised that the combination of artificial intelligence and protein analysis offers a promising avenue for precision medicine. This is highly important for screening mid-aged to older individuals within the community who are at high risk of dementia. “This model could be seamlessly integrated into the NHS and used as a screening tool by GPs”, said Professor Feng.

Professor Wei Cheng, a co-corresponding author from Fudan University, explained that this research builds on the team’s previously developed dementia prediction model which used variables, such as age, presence of a certain gene and mother’s age at death. “Compared to our previous work, the newly developed protein-based model is obviously a breakthrough”, he said.

Another corresponding author Professor Jintai Yu, a neurovegetative disease specialist from Fudan University, added: “The proteomic biomarkers are more easily to access and non-invasive, and they can substantially facilitate the application of large-scale population screening”.

He also pointed drawbacks of previous risk models, which were primarily depended on intricate and difficult-to-obtain biomarkers using procedures such as lumbar puncture or complex imaging methods meaning their widespread use is hindered because of the invasive procedures and the high cost of carrying them out.

Read the study here: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window

Notes to Editors

The University of Warwick signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fudan University in 2022 and the two Universities work together designing and developing new research projects and run staff and student exchanges.

*The Area Under the Curve (AUC) figure is used to measure how good a model performs. A model whose predictions are 100% wrong has an AUC of 0.0; one whose predictions are 100% correct has an AUC of 1.0. this study had an AUC of over 0.9.

Case studies

The University works closely with people with dementia and their families at a Dementia Café, set up by Warwick Medical School. Should you wish to speak to a case study, please get in touch.

Media contact 

University of Warwick press office contact: 

Annie Slinn 07876876934 

Communications Officer | Press & Media Relations | University of Warwick Email: opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window 

Mon 12 Feb 2024, 18:02

MEng e-voting project published in a journal paper

As part of a 2021/2022 MEng group project, Horia Druliac, Matthew Bardsley, Chris Riches, and Christian Dunn implemented a fully functional end-to-end (E2E) verifiable online voting system and conducted a successful trial among the residents of New Town in Kolkata, India during the 2022 Durga Puja festival celebration. This was the first time an E2E online voting system was built and tested in India. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Full details about the implementation, the trial and the voter feedback are written in a paper, published in the Journal of Information Security and Application. A free version of the paper is available on IACR e-print as a technical report. Also, see the earlier news item about this Durga Puja trial.

Professor Feng Hao, who supervised this group project, commented: “This is great teamwork. The four MEng students worked relentlessly for nearly a year, with good assistance from Luke Harrison and Professor Bimal Roy. The e-voting system was developed at an industry standard and worked flawlessly during the Durga Puja trial. Several government officials from India also helped us, providing invaluable support for the trial. We sincerely thank them in the acknowledgement section of the paper.”

AI tool developed to help grade cancer based on cell divisions

Ahead of World Cancer Day on 4 February, scientists are revealing a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to help grade cancer, by analysing cell division.

In numerous cancer types, counting the number of cells undergoing division, known as mitotic figures, serves as a key indicator of cancer aggressiveness, or grade. This information helps inform treatment pathways, making it a crucial asessment tool. Traditional mitosis counting is both time-consuming and plagued by poor reliability. To address this, scientists have developed a new tool, MitPro, which uses AI to count and profile mitosis.

Histofy, a spin-out company from The University of Warwick that is leading developer of AI solutions for pathology, has engineered the tool to accurately profile mitosis throughout the entire tumour sample. This identifies the most suitable areas for further analysis.

Wed 07 Feb 2024, 10:02 | Tags: Research Applied Computing

Winners of the MSc prizes

The department congratulates all 2022-2023 MSc students graduating in January 2024. Extra congratulations to the winners of the following MSc prizes:

Luisa F. Estrada Plata: Best dissertation in MSc Data Analytics & Best overall performance (MSc Data Analytics)

Aakash Chandnani: Best overall performance (MSc Computer Science)

Yijie Zhu: Best dissertation in MSc Computer Science

Weitong Liao: Best dissertation in MSc Computer Science

Thu 18 Jan 2024, 10:36 | Tags: Courses Highlight Faculty of Science Teaching

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