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Computer Science News

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Exoplanet Validation with Machine Learning: 50 new validated Kepler planets

Dr Theo Damoulas (Department of Computer Science) along with Dr David Armstrong (Department of Physics) and Jevgenij Gamper (Department of Mathematics) have developed probabilistic machine learning algorithms that can separate out real planets from fake ones in the large samples of thousands of candidates found by telescope missions such as NASA’s Kepler and TESS. The results of which have led to fifty new confirmed planets, the first to be not only ranked but also probabilistically validated by machine learning.

The paper "Exoplanet Validation with Machine Learning: 50 new validated Kepler planets" has been accepted to the Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/staa2498

Wearable IoT Electronic Nose for Urinary Incontinence Detection

Work performed by Computer Systems Engineering student Michael Shanta for his 3rd year project, supervised by Dr. Marina Cole and Dr. Siavash Esfahani in the School of Engineering, was written up in a paper that was recently accepted for presentation at the IEEE Sensors 2020 Conference.

For his 3rd year project Michael worked on developing machine learning techniques for an Electronic Nose in order to classify odours based on the sensor responses. The system aims to detect incontinence incidents, allowing alerts to be sent to relevant personnel from an IoT network via a cloud server.

WATE PGR commendation for Alexander Noll

Alexander NollWe are very happy to report that Alexander Noll, PhD student at the department’s Institute for the Science of Cities, has been rewarded with the 2019/2020 Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates who Teach. As a commendee, the recognition of his teaching comes in addition to a £200 teaching endowment. Alexander, who comes from an interdisciplinary academic background and has been teaching on several undergraduate modules of our department as well as the Department of Sociology, commented:

The thought that I was able to contribute positively to somebody’s learning and their time at Warwick in general sparks great joy. It is a great honour to be recognised for my tiny contribution to a community of teachers who work hard on creating a positive learning environment.

WATE seek to recognise outstanding teaching and support of learning across the University. Since 2003, the Awards have helped showcase innovation and commitment from across Warwick's teaching community. Nominations can be made by both students and staff and a panel of judges then creates a shortlist of up to ten nominees. Based on additional personal statements, 10 winners are selected from the shortlist, split into five awards and five commendations.

Promotion to Associate Professor

Paolo TurriniA further piece of excellent news: Dr Paolo Turrini has been promoted to Associate Professor, effective from 1 September 2020. Many congratulations to Paolo, whose recommendation says:

Dr Turrini has maintained an internationally recognised publication trajectory, with papers appearing in highly-ranked journals and conferences. He has also grown his research group to 4 PhD students currently, and developed fruitful research collaborations with several academics in the department. … Dr Turrini has contributed to designing two 4th-year/MSc modules. He has been attentive to his teaching to an exemplary degree, resulting in consistently positive feedback from students...

Promotion to Senior Teaching Fellow

Andrew HagueWe are very happy to report that Dr Andrew Hague has been promoted to Senior Teaching Fellow, effective from 1 July 2020. Quoting from his recommendation,

Dr Hague... has built on his successful experiences of design and delivery of teaching in Warwick Foundation Studies, already demonstrating a high standard in module development as well as delivery of lectures, seminars and laboratories in Computer Science. Both feedback from students and references from colleagues testify to his excellence and initiative. … Dr Hague is recognised within a valuable network of contacts on campus, in the computer games industry, and other educational and community organisations, where he is known for his capacity for impactful innovation in the wide domain of educational technology. Dr Hague has also already proved himself in several successful outreach initiatives and events.

it remains to say many congratulations!

PETRAS SRF award to Dr Arshad Jhumka to investigate trust in IoT systems

Dr Arshad Jhumka from the department’s Artificial Intelligence research theme has been awarded a grant as PI, under the PETRAS SRF programme, to develop and deploy a trusted edge-based Internet of Things (IoT) network. IoT networks are expected to be deployed as solutions to problems in a wide variety of contexts, from non-critical applications such as smart city monitoring to providing support to emergency services such as critical communications. As IoT devices are resource constrained, execution of resource-hungry applications will be offloaded to edge networks for quick response. Such an infrastructure is open to cyber-attacks and needs to be resilient to attack.

EPSRC funding for Florin Ciucu

Florin Ciucu has been successful with a 491K EPSRC grant application ‘Practical Analysis of Parallel and Networked Queueing Systems’. The project will run for 4 years and will address some fundamental queueing problems at the core of modern computing and communication systems with parallel or network structures. The technical objective is to develop novel martingale-based models and techniques circumventing the historical Poisson assumption on the systems’ input, which has been convincingly shown to be highly misleading for practical purposes. The proposal was supported by IBM Research, Microsoft Research, and VMware.

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