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Warwick Computer Science ranked 4th in Research Excellence Framework 2021

The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in the country's higher education institutions.

The results of the 2021 REF rank Warwick Computer Science 4th out of 90 UK computing departments. This cements our position as one of the top Computer Science departments in the UK, a position we have held for some time under different assessment methodologies.

Research Excellence at Warwick

Fri 13 May 2022, 01:48 | Tags: Highlight Research

Emeritus Professor Roland Wilson – Celebration and Memorial

Colleagues, friends, family and former students of Professor Roland Wilson gathered last Friday to celebrate his life and to inaugurate a bench in his memory. The bench is located outside the Department, surrounded by daisies at this time of year, overlooking the lake and the fountains.

Roland's son and daughter toured the Department and visited one of the research groups which is building on Roland’s intellectual legacy under the leadership of his former PhD student Nasir Rajpoot (now a Professor in the Department). Dr Abhir Bhalerao, also a former student and close colleague of Roland, said a few words about Roland's contribution to our community and his lasting importance to us. Head of Department Professor Yulia Timofeeva cut a ribbon on the bench before we all returned to the common room to share memories and anecdotes.

Although an emotional occasion for many of us, it was very nice to be able to gather together again after the restrictions of the last two years and to remember Roland and his legacy.

Roland's Bench

Thu 05 May 2022, 15:38 | Tags: People Highlight Applied Computing

Promotion to Associate Professor

We are happy to announce that Dr Dmitry Chistikov has been promoted to Associate Professor from 1 April 2022. Since joining Warwick in 2017, Dmitry has made a significant contribution to the department with his research, teaching, and administrative and supportive roles. Many congratulations to Dmitry for all his achievements!

Wed 06 Apr 2022, 16:03 | Tags: People Highlight Theory and Foundations

ExCALIBUR Funding for Exascale Application Development

Dr. Gihan Mudalige at the University of Warwick’s Department of Computer Science have been awarded an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) ExCALIBUR research grant as part of a consortium of researchers including the Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC), universities of Warwick, Newcastle, Cambridge, Southampton and led by Imperial College London.

This 3 year, £2.6M project brings together communities from the UK Turbulence Consortium (UKTC) and the UK Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows (UKCRF) to ensure a smooth transition to exascale computing, with the aim to develop transformative techniques for advancing their production simulation software ecosystems dedicated to the study of turbulent flows. It is part of the ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing ALgorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research) programme, aimed at delivering the next generation of high-performance simulation software for the highest-priority fields in UK research.

Alex Dixon joins the department as a Teaching Fellow

We are very pleased to welcome Alex Dixon, a new Teaching Fellow in our department.

Alex first joined the department in 2013, originally as an undergraduate student, and then as a postgraduate student studying automata theory. He has a keen interest in logic, automata, and functional programming.

We look forward to having him in the team!

Fri 01 Oct 2021, 16:09 | Tags: People Highlight Theory and Foundations

New Head of Department

Yulia TimofeevaFrom 1 September 2021, the Department will be led by our new Head, Professor Yulia Timofeeva. On this occasion, Professor Lorenzo Frigerio, Vice Provost and Chair of the Faculty, said:

On behalf of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine, I would like to express my thanks to Ranko for his outstanding service as HoD. I am delighted to welcome Yulia as new head of Computer Science, and wish her all the best with supporting the continued success of this department!

Tue 31 Aug 2021, 17:25 | Tags: Highlight Faculty of Science

Latest two academic promotions

Ramanujan SridharanTanaya GuhaIn further good news, Dr Tanaya Guha and Dr Ramanujan Sridharan have been promoted to Associate Professor, effective from 1 July 2021 and 2 October 2021 (respectively). Many congratulations to them, whose recommendations in particular state:

[Dr Guha has] grown her research group to five PhD students currently, and attracted a portfolio of research grants in her career, including recently a substantial award from Ford. ... In engagement, Dr Guha has been raising the visibility of Warwick in her national and international research communities through her invited talks, leadership in the Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing, programme committee memberships, and conference organisation activities. She has also contributed substantially to the Sutton Trust summer school, a key outreach programme.


Dr Sridharan’s high standing in the research community is confirmed by his invited talks at international meetings and leading universities, memberships of the programme committees of prestigious conferences, and his organisation of international research events. ... In teaching, Dr Sridharan has successfully led (jointly and individually) two undergraduate modules. The feedback from students has been generally positive, with many appreciative of Dr Sridharan’s innovative and energetic delivery.

Fri 16 Jul 2021, 14:26 | Tags: People Highlight Applied Computing Theory and Foundations

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