Publications on automata with pushdown, counter, etc.
- D. Chistikov, W. Czerwiński, Ł. Orlikowski, F. Mazowiecki, H. Sinclair-Banks, K. Węgrzycki. The tractability border of reachability in simple vector addition systems with states. FOCS 2024.
Reachability is NP-hard in 3-dimensional vector addition systems with states (in fact, in linear path schemes) with transition updates specified in unary notation.
- D. Chistikov, J. Leroux, H. Sinclair-Banks, N. Waldburger. Invariants for one-counter automata with disequality tests. CONCUR 2024.
In one-counter systems with binary updates and tests of the form “Is the counter value different from N?”, reachability belongs to the polynomial hierarchy, because non-reachability can be witnessed by invariants.
- D. Chistikov, R. Majumdar, P. Schepper. Subcubic certificates for CFL reachability. POPL 2022.
We show certificates of size O(n2), with subcubic verification algorithms, for language emptiness and non-emptiness of pushdown automata on n states. As a consequence, fine-grained reductions from SAT are unlikely to explain the cubic bottleneck for CFL reachability.
- D. Chistikov, M. Vyalyi. Re-pairing brackets. LICS 2020.
Conversion from OCA to Parikh-equivalent NFA requires a quasi-polynomial growth in description size. To prove this, we define and study a one-player game akin to pebbling.
- D. Chistikov, M. Cadilhac, G. Zetzsche. Rational subsets of Baumslag-Solitar groups. ICALP 2020.
Imagine a “blind” Turing machine that cannot read bits written on the tape, but can increment a decrement them. The content of the tape is interpreted as the binary expansion of a rational number, and increments and decrements simply add and subtract (possibly negative) powers of two. What sets of numbers do these machines accept?
- D. Chistikov, W. Czerwiński, P. Hofman, Mi. Pilipczuk, M. Wehar. Shortest paths in one-counter systems. Logical Methods in Computer Science (2019). Extended version of the FoSSaCS’16 paper.
Every one-counter automaton with n states accepts a word of length at most 14n2, unless its language is empty.
- D. Chistikov, P. Martyugin, M. Shirmohammadi. Synchronizing automata over nested words. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (2019). Extended version of the FoSSaCS’16 paper.
We propose a definition of synchronizing words for nested word automata.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase, S. Halfon. Context-free commutative grammars with integer counters and resets. Theoretical Computer Science (2018). Special issue for RP’14.
What happens with reachability and coverability sets of VASS where counters can go negative and support reset? Also, a Π2P lower bound on the inclusion problem for linear sets.
- M. F. Atig, D. Chistikov, P. Hofman, K. Narayan Kumar, P. Saivasan, G. Zetzsche. The complexity of regular abstractions of one-counter languages.
The downward and upward closure of one-counter languages have small NFA. So does the Parikh image if the alphabet has fixed size.
- D. Chistikov, W. Czerwiński, P. Hofman, Mi. Pilipczuk, M. Wehar. Shortest paths in one-counter systems. FoSSaCS’16. Extended version in Logical Methods in Computer Science (2019).
- D. Chistikov, P. Martyugin, M. Shirmohammadi. Synchronizing automata over nested words. FoSSaCS’16. Extended version in Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (2019).
- D. Chistikov. Notes on counting with finite machines. FSTTCS’14.
How many states does a {OCA, DPDA, Turing machine} need to have in order to accept the singleton language {an} ?
- D. Chistikov, R. Majumdar. Unary pushdown automata and straight-line programs. ICALP’14.
DPDA equivalence is in P for unary (singleton) input alphabet. This relies on algorithmics for grammar-compressed strings. Also, deciding if a CFG generates words of all lengths is Π2P-complete.
- D. Chistikov, R. Majumdar. A uniformization theorem for nested word to word transductions. CIAA 2013.
Schützenberger’s construction for the uniformization of rational relations extends to nested words.