Publications on decision problems
- D. Chistikov, W. Czerwinski, L. Orlikowski, F. Mazowiecki, H. Sinclair-Banks, K. Wegrzycki. The tractability border of reachability in simple vector addition systems with states. FOCS 2024. To appear.
- D. Chistikov, A. Mansutti, M. Starchak. Integer linear-exponential programming in NP by quantifier elimination. ICALP 2024. Best paper award.
Existence of solutions over N to systems of linear equations, constraints of the form y=2x, and z=(y mod 2x) is in NP. Also, a new proof that integer programming is in NP, by a variant of Gaussian elimination.
- D. Chistikov, J. Leroux, H. Sinclair-Banks, N. Waldburger. Invariants for one-counter automata with disequality tests. CONCUR 2024.
In one-counter systems with binary updates and tests of the form “Is the counter value different from N?”, reachability belongs to the polynomial hierarchy, because non-reachability is witnessed by invariants.
- D. Chistikov, L. Estrada, M. Paterson, P. Turrini. Learning a social network by influencing opinions. AAMAS 2024.
Suppose in a directed graph each node is coloured 0 or 1. Update colours of all nodes simultaneously, each to the majority among the incoming edges. How to learn the set of edges by setting the colours and observing the dynamics?
- D. Chistikov, W. Czerwinski, P. Hofman, F. Mazowiecki, H. Sinclair-Banks. Acyclic Petri and workflow nets with resets. FSTTCS 2023.
Reachability in acyclic Petri nets with (possibly cyclic) resets is undecidable, and three subproblems are PSPACE-complete.
- M. Benedikt, D. Chistikov, A. Mansutti. The complexity of Presburger arithmetic with power or powers. ICALP 2023.
Existence of solutions over N to systems of linear equations and constraints of the form y=2x can be decided in nondeterministic exponential time. (Later strengthened to NP in the ICALP’24 paper.) Also, linear integer arithmetic extended with a predicate for powers of 2 can be decided in triply exponential time.
- D. Chistikov, R. Majumdar, P. Schepper. Subcubic certificates for CFL reachability. POPL 2022.
The lack of truly subcubic algorithms for pushdown reachability is difficult to justify by fine-grained reductions from SAT.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase, A. Mansutti. Geometric decision procedures and the VC dimension of linear arithmetic theories. LICS 2022.
A decision procedure for Presburger arithmetic based on semilinear sets runs in triply exponential time.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase, A. Mansutti. Quantifier elimination for counting extensions of Presburger arithmetic. FoSSaCS 2022.
We extend linear integer arithmetic with quantifiers of the form “there exists at least c values of x” and similar. It turns out such theories still support efficient quantifier elimination, even relative to alternation depth.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase, Z. Hadizadeh, A. Mansutti. Higher-order Boolean satisfiability. MFCS 2022.
The decision problem for linear arithmetic over Z with just equality (no inequalities) is as hard as for standard linear integer arithmetic. To prove this, we define and study the complexity of a quantified version of SAT that supports higher-order Boolean functions.
- D. Chistikov, S. Kiefer, A. Murawski, D. Purser. The big-O problem. Logical Methods in Computer Science (2022).
Given two weighted automata (or labelled Markov chains), is there a constant c such that the weight of every word in the first automaton is at most c times its weight in the second?
- S. Almagor, D. Chistikov, J. Ouaknine, J. Worrell. O-minimal invariants for discrete-time dynamical systems. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (2022). Extended version of the ICALP’18 paper.
For while loops of the form “while x in S do x:=A*x” (where x is initialized to a rational vector, A is a rational matrix, and S is a nice set), minimal invariants look like truncated cones.
- D. Chistikov, G. Lisowski, M. Paterson, P. Turrini. Convergence of opinion diffusion is PSPACE-complete. AAAI 2020.
Suppose in a directed graph each node is coloured 0 or 1. Update colours of all nodes simultaneously, each to the majority among the incoming edges. Does this dynamics converge to a fixed colouring?
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase. On the power of ordering in linear arithmetic theories. ICALP 2020.
Given a formula of linear arithmetic, can we decide if the same set can be defined by another formula that uses just equality, without inequalities?
- D. Chistikov, M. Cadilhac, G. Zetzsche. Rational subsets of Baumslag-Solitar groups. ICALP 2020.
Imagine a “blind” Turing machine that cannot read bits written on the tape, but can increment a decrement them. The content of the tape is interpreted as the binary expansion of a rational number, and increments and decrements simply add and subtract (possibly negative) powers of two. What sets of numbers do these machines accept?
- D. Chistikov, S. Kiefer, A. Murawski, D. Purser. The big-O problem for labelled Markov chains and weighted automata. CONCUR 2020. [DROPS] Extended version in Logical Methods in Computer Science (2022).
- D. Chistikov, P. Martyugin, M. Shirmohammadi. Synchronizing automata over nested words. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (2019). Extended version of the FoSSaCS’16 paper.
We propose a definition of synchronizing words for nested word automata.
- D. Chistikov, A. Murawski, D. Purser. Asymmetric distances for approximate differential privacy. CONCUR 2019.
We measure distances between states in labelled Markov chains in the spirit of bisimilarity relation. It turns out that asymmetric distance functions are, in some sense, better.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase, S. Halfon. Context-free commutative grammars with integer counters and resets. Theoretical Computer Science (2018). Special issue for RP’14.
What happens with reachability and coverability sets of VASS where counters can go negative and support reset? Also, a Π2P lower bound on the inclusion problem for linear sets.
- S. Almagor, D. Chistikov, J. Ouaknine, J. Worrell. O-minimal invariants for linear loops. ICALP 2018. [DROPS] Extended version in ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (2022).
- D. Chistikov, A. Murawski, D. Purser. Bisimilarity distances for approximate differential privacy. ATVA 2018.
A pair of states in a labelled Markov chain can be bisimilar or not bisimilar. We extend this equivalence relation to a distance function which upper-bounds the δ parameter in approximate differential privacy.
- D. Chistikov, R. Dimitrova, R. Majumdar. Approximate counting in SMT and value estimation for probabilistic programs. Acta Informatica (2017). Special issue for TACAS’15.
Relying on ideas of Sipser and Stockmeyer, existing SMT solvers can do approximate model counting (discrete counting or volume estimation) for logical theories of arithmetic.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase. On the complexity of quantified integer programming. ICALP 2017.
If some variables in integer programs are quantified universally instead of existentially, then the decision problem becomes complete for the k-th level of the polynomial hierarchy, assuming k quantifier blocks.
- D. Chistikov, S. Kiefer, I. Marušić, M. Shirmohammadi, J. Worrell. On restricted nonnegative matrix factorization.
ICALP 2016.
There exists a pair of 3D polytopes with rational vertices, one inside the other, such that every intermediate polytope with 5 vertices must have a vertex with an irrational coordinate.
- D. Chistikov, C. Haase. The taming of the semi-linear set.
ICALP 2016.
To measure how semilinear sets “grow” under Boolean operations, we keep track of the maximum norm of generators.
- D. Chistikov, P. Martyugin, M. Shirmohammadi. Synchronizing automata over nested words. FoSSaCS 2016. Extended version in Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics (2019).
- D. Chistikov, R. Dimitrova, R. Majumdar. Approximate counting in SMT and value estimation for probabilistic programs. TACAS 2015. Extended version in Acta Informatica (2017).
- D. Chistikov, R. Majumdar. Unary pushdown automata and straight-line programs. ICALP 2014.
DPDA equivalence is in P for unary (singleton) input alphabet. This relies on algorithmics for grammar-compressed strings. Also, deciding if a CFG generates words of all lengths is Π2P-complete.