Sarah Selkirk
My personal webpage can be found here.
I am a Research Fellow in Dmitry Chistikov's EPSRC grant "Two-way automata: limitations and frontiers".
My research interests are:
- Enumerative Combinatorics, in particular finding bijections and using computers to guess counting formulas;
- Analytic Combinatorics, in particular using generating functions to study lattice paths and sometimes trees;
- Formal Language Theory and Automata Theory, which I am currently learning more about. I am currently looking into problems involving two-way automata. Tying into above interests, I am also interested in gaining better understanding of the nature of generating functions (rational, algebraic, differentiably finite, etc) via language theoretic methods.
My professional interests not directly related to research are:
- Reducing and removing barriers to participation of women in mathematics and computer science;
- Increasing participation of researchers from the global South (particularly Africa, since I am South African) in the international research community.
Upcoming events:
CIMPA School, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 6-17 January 2025: Enumerative combinatorics with applications to computer science. [Organiser, Lecturer]
CIRM Thematic Month: Singularities, Differential Equations, and Transcendence, France, 24-28 February 2025: Enumerative combinatorics and effective aspects of differential equations. [Speaker]
Recent research:
- Andrei Asinowski, Daniel Brosch, and Sarah J. Selkirk, Directed lattice paths with dynamic boundary, submitted, 2024+.
- Alex S. A. Alochukwu, Audace A. V. Dossou-Olory, Fadekemi J. Osaye, Valisoa R. M. Rakotonarivo, Shashank Ravichandran, Sarah J. Selkirk, Hua Wang, and Hays Whitlatch, Characterization of Trees with Maximum Security, submitted, 2024+. Part of the MRC: Trees in Many Contexts event.
- Clemens Heuberger, Sarah J. Selkirk, and Stephan Wagner, The distribution of the maximum protection number in simply generated trees. Combin. Probab. Comput., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 518-553, 2024.
- Andrei Asinowski, Cyril Banderier, and Sarah J. Selkirk, From Kreweras to Gessel: A walk through patterns in the quarter plane, Sem. Lothar. Combin., vol. 89B. 2023
- Clemens Heuberger, Sarah J. Selkirk, and Stephan Wagner, Enumeration of Generalized Dyck Paths Based on the Height of Down-Steps Modulo k, Electron. J. Combin., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. Paper No. 1.26, 2023.
Academic Service Roles:
European Mathematical Society - Committee for Developing Countries.
DCS Welfare and Communications Committee.
South African Mathematical Society Women in Mathematics Subdivision.