Dmitry Chistikov
Associate Professor
Theory and Foundations Theme, Department of Computer Science
Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
Office hours in term 2: Mondays and Tuesdays 9:30–10:30 in CS2.20.
Research interests:
theoretical computer science and verification.
Publications: here.
Expository paper: An introduction to the theory of linear integer arithmetic (2024).
Best paper award at ICALP’24: Integer linear-exponential programming in NP by quantifier elimination.
Postdoc:PhD students:
- Neha Rino (co-supervised with Carsten Maple)
- Andrei Codreanu (co-supervised with Ranko Lazić)
- Henry Sinclair-Banks (PhD 2024; co-supervised with Marcin Jurdziński, now at Warsaw)
- David Purser (PhD 2020; co-supervised with Andrzej Murawski and Graham Cormode, now at Liverpool)
Some recent invited talks:
World Logic Day @ Oxford ‘24,
MPI-SWS ‘23,
IMDEA Software Institute ‘22,
Logic and Semantics Seminar @ Cambridge ‘22,
YaccConstructor Formal Languages Seminar @ St Petersburg ‘21,
LaBRI @ Bordeaux ‘21,
Kolmogorov seminar @ Moscow ‘21,
My research has been supported in part by
- CS259 Formal Languages (term 2 in 2024/25)
- CS130 Mathematics for Computer Scientists I (term 1 in 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23).
- CS260 Algorithms (term 1 in 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20).
- Demystifying problem solving (mentoring talk; slides here).
Logic Mentoring Workshop 2022 (LMW’22), co-located with the 30th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL’22), online, hosted at Göttingen, Germany, 14 February 2022.
- Ultimately periodic sets, semi-linear sets, and Presburger arithmetic
(slides and video here).
14th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP’20), online, based at Grenoble, France, 22–26 June 2020.
- Linear Arithmetic: Geometry, Algorithms, and Logic
(course page).
30th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI’18), Sofia, Bulgaria, 6–10 August 2018. Co-taught with Christoph Haase.
- Model counting for logical theories
(course page).
28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI’16), Bolzano, Italy, 15–19 August 2016. Co-taught with Rayna Dimitrova and sponsored by EACSL.
Professional service
- Secretary of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). 2022—present.
- Steering committee member: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2024—present.
- Guest editor of Logical Methods for Computer Science (special issue for LICS’21). Joint with Benoit Larose and Leonid Libkin.
- Program committee member: ICALP’25, MFCS’25, RP’25, ECAI’24, LICS’23, ECAI’23, Highlights’22, YR-CONCUR’22, FSTTCS’21, LICS’21, STACS’21, FoSSaCS’21, ECAI’20, SYNASC’15 (theory track)
- Event organization:
- Trends in Arithmetic Theories '24. An ICALP/LICS 2024 workshop. Tallinn, Estonia, 6 July 2024. Co-organised with Christoph Haase and Alessio Mansutti.
- Computation in Mathematics and Mathematics in Computation. A MIR@W (Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick) Day. 11 March 2024. Co-organised with Mark Pollicott and Julia Slipantschuk.
- Trends in Arithmetic Theories '22. An ICALP 2022 workshop. Paris, France, 4 July 2022. Co-organised with Christoph Haase, Alessio Mansutti, Jonathan Tanner.
- British Society for the History of Mathematics Christmas meeting 2021. Hosted at Warwick; moved online. 11 December 2021. Co-organised with Steve Russ and Polina Vytnova.
- Automata in the Wild (WILD 2021), a workshop (collaborative incubator) on automata and cyber-physical systems. Online. 21–23 April 2021. Co-organised with Rayna Dimitrova.
- Autobóz’19, an international research camp on logic, automata, and games. Firbush, Scotland, 12–19 July 2019. Co-organised with Michaël Cadilhac and Patrick Totzke.
- 19th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems
Co-located with LICS 2017, the 32nd ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. 19 June 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland. Co-organised with Christoph Haase.
- Administration at Warwick:
- Course (co-)director (Computer Science), 2021—23.
- Deputy director for undergraduate studies, 2018—21.
- ICPC (programming competitions) lead, 2018—22.
Office: room 220, Computer Science
Email: d dot chistikov at warwick dot ac dot uk
Postal address:
Computer Science
University of Warwick
Tel: +44 24 765 73792