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Full list of papers listed on PubMed is avaiable hereLink opens in a new window (currently not up to date, see list below for latest entries)

Papers using QuimP

  • Pal Debadrita, Ellis Andrea, Sepúlveda-Ramírez Silvia P., Salgado Torey, Terrazas Isabella, Reyes Gabriela, De La Rosa Richard, Henson John H., Shuster Charles B. Rac and Arp2/3-Nucleated Actin Networks Antagonize Rho During Mitotic and Meiotic Cleavages. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8, 1298, 2020, DOI=10.3389/fcell.2020.591141 

  • Pablo Rougerie, Laurent Pieuchot, Rafaela Silva dos Santos, Julie Marteau, Maxence Bigerelle, Pierre-François Chauvy, Marcos Farina & Karine Anselme. Topographical curvature is sufficient to control epithelium elongation. Scientific Reports 10, 14784, 2020.

  • Olga Ramaniuk , Zuzana Klímová, Tomáš Groušl and Tomáš Vomastek. Quantitative Phase Imaging of Spreading Fibroblasts Identifies the Role of Focal Adhesion Kinase in the Stabilization of the Cell Rear. Biomolecules 2020, 10(8), 1089;
  • Muhammad M. Hasan, José E. Teixeira, Ying-Wai Lam, Christopher D. Huston. Coactosin Phosphorylation Controls Entamoeba histolytica Cell Membrane Protrusions and Cell Motility, mBio 11(4), 2020. DOI: 10.1128/mBio.00660-20

Papers discussing QuimP

PhD theses

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