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Samuel Maddock

About Me

I am a third-year PhD student supervised by Prof. Graham Cormode and Prof. Carsten Maple (WMG). Before starting my PhD I graduated with a first-class MEng in Discrete Mathematics here at the University of Warwick.

During the Summer of 2022, I was a research intern at Meta AI supervised by Pierre Stock and Alexandre Sablayrolles.

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of computer security, data privacy and machine learning. I am mainly interested in the area of privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) which seeks to develop ML algorithms to learn privately and securely from data which is often highly distributed. This includes areas such as Differential Privacy (DP), Federated Learning (FL) and Federated Analytics.



I have been a teaching assistant for the following modules:


Office: MB 4.17


GitHub Profile