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Hanqi Yan

PhD student

Room CS2.33

Department of Computer Science,

University of Warwick & Kings' College London (KCL)


Google ScholarLink opens in a new window, CV (2023.09)Link opens in a new window,

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Hanqi Yan (颜寒祺) is a Ph.D. student (2020fall) under the supervision of Prof. Yulan HeLink opens in a new window and Dr. Lin GuiLink opens in a new window, also a Visiting Student at Kings' College London (KCL), doing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, focusing on interpretable and robust representation learning:

(1) Considering the stochastic nature of the current deep neural networks, we are able to identify a human-friendly way to understand its data-generation process.

(2) The Deep Learning model is built on certain inductive biases and sample selection biases. We propose empirical and principle methods to alleviate representation bias and learn robust representations across various testing environment.

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Education and Research Experience
  • 10/2022-02/2023 Visiting Student (MBZUAI-funded) at MBZUAI, advised by Dr Kun ZhangLink opens in a new window (CMU&MBZUAI), focusing on conditional generation under identifiability guarantee.
  • 07/2019-10/2019 Research Assistant (PolyU-funded) advised by Prof. Wenjie LiLink opens in a new window at HKPolyU, focusing on emotion-cause extraction.
  • 2017-2020 MSc. at Peking University, major in Data Science (Computer Science and Technology).
  • 2013-2017 BEng. at Beihang University, affiliated with Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering Department (Information Engineering).
Selected Publications

Large Language Model:

Robust Representation Learning:

Interpretability based on (statistical) Generative models:

Professional Service

Co-Chair of AACL-IJCNLP (Student Research Workshop) 2022 [proceedings]

Reviewer for NLP conferences: ACL23', EMNLP22',23', NAACL24', EACL23', AACL24', ACL Rolling Review;

Reviewer for ML conferences: UAI23', AISTATS24';

Journal Reviewer: Neurocomputing, Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)

  • Teaching assistant at Peking University, Introduction to Aerospace Engineering, 2018
  • Teaching assistant at University of Warwick, Natural Language Processing 2020,2021,2023
  • Teaching assistant at University of Warwick, Web Development Technologies 2021



Causal Inference: