Esha Nasir
As a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Shan Raza, my research focuses on the analysis of whole slide and multiplex images. Currently I'm working on multi-modality image registration on H&E and mIF images utilising nuclei point estimation. I employ both classical and advanced registration techniques to achieve high-resolution, multi-modal alignment between H&E and multiplex images, with a primary emphasis on nuclei localisation.
Computer Science
University of Warwick
Coventry, UK CV4 7AL
Office: CS 3.02 Department of Computer Science
Research Interests
Computer Vision, Medical Image Analysis, Computational Pathology, Data Analytics, Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Research
Work Experience
- Operations support consultant at Teradata
- Research Software Engineer at CIM University of Warwick
IM939: Data Science Across Disciplines: Principles, Practice and Critique
- CIM PGT Skills Programme
- Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Warwick
- B.E Computer Engineering, NUST, Pakistan.
( Graduation project:Automatic Inventory Management and Manufacturing Execution System )
- M.Sc. Computer Science, NUST, Pakistan.
( Dissertation: Nuclei Instance Segmentation and classification )