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Promotions for two academic staff

motherboard cakeWe are delighted to report that Dr Theo Damoulas and Dr Gihan Mudalige have successfully completed their probations early, and become Associate Professors at the start of this month. Quoting from their probationary review reports,

Gihan has had a number of successes with attracting substantial research funding, most recently for two projects with AWE PLC, and one with Rolls Royce PLC. A further major success is Gihan’s Royal Society Industrial Fellowship, which will run over the next 4 academic years at 50% of Gihan’s time. ... Dr Gihan Mudalige is an outstanding and valuable member of the department’s academic staff, whose many likely future contributions to both research and teaching we are looking forward to.


Dr Theo Damoulas is a valuable asset to both Computer Science and Statistics departments in all of the research, teaching, administration and collegiality areas. Theo is already a next-generation research leader at the national and international levels, in particular enhancing the university's partnerships with the Alan Turing Institute, CUSP London, King's College London, and New York University.

it remains to say many congratulations!

Tue 03 Jul 2018, 23:31 | Tags: People Undergraduate Research Faculty of Science

Warwick Computer Science tops Russell Group institutions in 2017 National Student Survey

NSS Logo

In the recently released 2017 National Student Survey results, Warwick Computer Science ranked 2nd of the 104 computing departments in the UK, with an overall student satisfaction rate of 96%. Among Russell Group competitor institutions (an elite group of teaching and research universities in the UK), Computer Science at Warwick is ranked 1st for overall student satisfaction.

The National Student Survey (NSS) canvasses student satisfaction across all departments at all UK universities and remains the biggest survey of student satisfaction in the UK. Students are asked to respond on topics including teaching quality, learning opportunities, academic support, and organisation and management.

Among Russell Group institutions, Computer Science at Warwick ranked top in almost all major categories*:

  • 1st for overall student satisfaction
  • 1st for teaching quality
  • 1st for learning opportunities
  • 1st for assessment and feedback
  • 1st for academic support
  • 1st for learning resources
  • 1st for learning community
  • 1st for organisation and management

Throughout this summer investment continues in new teaching and laboratory facilities, with Warwick’s new interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences building (for the Departments of Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics) opening in 2018.


*These figures are based on the Russell Group institutions for which there is publishable data for the subject of Computer Science in 2017.

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 14:49 | Tags: Undergraduate Highlight

Department of Computer Science in World's Elite

The 2014 QS Worldwide university rankings have been released today and Warwick Computer Science continues to be ranked amongst the best.
North American universities dominate the Top 10 Computer Science departments, but 11 UK universities feature in the world’s Top 100 departments, including Warwick. Warwick Computer Science scores particularly highly in the categories 'Employer Reputation' and also 'Citations per Academic Paper’.
Wed 17 Sep 2014, 07:55 | Tags: Undergraduate Highlight Faculty of Science

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