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Ford Motor Company funding success for Dr. Tanaya Guha

Dr. Tanaya Guha (PI) has been awarded a research grant by Ford Motor Company through their Global University Research Program to develop the project "Multimodal Learning for In-Car Driver's Activity Monitoring". This 2-year project aims at developing an AI system that can monitor driver's and passengers' safety through audiovisual scene analysis integrated with short-term driving patterns. For example, by creating alerts when a driver is distracted. The project will be developed in collaboration with Ford's AI research at Michigan.

Wed 12 May 2021, 10:06 | Tags: People Grants Research

EPSRC funding awarded to Prof. Yulan He and Prof. Rob Procter on developing an AI solution for tackling “infodemic”

Prof. Yulan He and Prof. Rob Procter have been awarded funding from the EPSRC under the UKRI’s COVID-19 call. During the COVID-19 pandemic, national and international organisations are using social media and online platforms to communicate information about the virus to the public. However, propagation of misinformation has also become prevalent. This can strongly influence human behaviour and negatively impact public health interventions, so it is vital to detect misinformation in a timely manner. This project aims to develop machine learning algorithms for automatic collection of external evidence relating to COVID-19 and assessment of veracity of claims.

The project is in collaboration with Prof. Maria Liakata and Dr. Arkaitz Zubiaga from the Queen Mary University of London.

Prof. Nasir Rajpoot awarded funding by Cancer Research UK to use machine learning to improve the early detection of oral cancer

Cancer Research UK is funding a study to examine the use of machine learning to assist pathologists and improve the early detection of oral cancer.

We are very excited to work on this project with Dr Khurram and his team at Sheffield. Early detection of cancer is a key focus area of research in our lab and this award by CRUK adds to the portfolio of research at the TIA lab on early detection of cancer.

The pilot project will pave the way towards the development of a tool that can help identify pre-malignant changes in oral dysplasia, crucial for the early detection of oral cancer. Successful completion of this project carries significant potential for saving lives and improving patient healthcare provision. -- Professor Nasir Rajpoot

The research is led by Dr Ali Khurram at the University of Sheffield with Professor Nasir Rajpoot from the University of Warwick as the co-Principal Investigator. Other co-investigators and collaborators include Professor Hisham Mehanna and Dr Paul Navkivell from the University of Birmingham and Dr Jacqueline James from Queen’s University Belfast.

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