There are several sources for the shopping construal: it has been used by Steeve Russ as an introductory example (see the 'Examples of construals and resources' on the Welcome to CONSTRUIT! page and the SciFest construals and activities), and discussed in more depth iin connection with 'creating open educational resources' in the linked additional webpages about adaptations of the shopping construal.
The following introduction to the Shopping construal is taken from the CONSTRUIT!/OOC webpage:
The 'shopping construal' is intended to be more accessible and more easily motivated than the construals that were introduced in C1 and C5. Preliminary resources for experimenting with the shopping construal are available at the following links:
- shop9.js-e - a basic version of the shopping construal in which there is only one instance of each item
- pricedepcorr.js-e - a file that supplies a missing dependency in shop9.js-e (see below)
- shop9a.js-e - an extension of shop9.js-e that enables any number of instances of each item to be selected
- shoppingconstrualdict.pdf - a 'dictionary' of the observables that feature in the construal shop9a.js-e
- introShoppingConstrual.js-e - a skeletal presentation to sketch out possible extensions that might serve as open educational resources.
To load the shop9.js-e or the shop9a.js-e construal, invoke the JS-EDEN environment at then copy-and-paste the contents of the appropriate file into the Input Window and press Submit. Rudimentary instructions for playing with the construal are given in the Plain HTML View window. The shop9a.js-e construal both extends and corrects features of the shop9.js-e construal. For instance, it introduces a dependency to link the price of an item (price1, price2, ... etc) to the value of the item as displayed on the screen (item1text, item2text, ... etc). (The file pricedepcorr.js-e serves to introduce this dependency.) The idea of supplying a dictionary of natural language characterisations of observables takes up a suggestion from Carolina - in due course, it would be useful to incorporate this in the construal itself. To load the presentation introShoppingConstrual.js-e you should first load the JS-EDEN presentation environment using the JSPE button in the Project List, then load the shop9.js-e construal.