Agenda for TPM2
Agenda Items for the second transnational project meeting M2
Project management
- Management committee and meetings (cf. Progress Report) (MJ)
- Developments in course of the year such as Erkki to Turku and British Council developments (MJ)
- Distribution of work / roles of partners (MB, MJ)
- website / dissemination
- development of resources
- practical organisation of dissemination and trialling events
- consultants / evaluation
- attendance at meetings - how might change
- communication
- budget issues - accountability (Quality document)
- risks - claims in Progress Report
- Dates for meetings to be decided well in advance (MJ)
- Ethics protocols (MJ)
Project Implementation
- Review the reports at the following webpage (MJ)
- Feedback on the draft (incomplete) Interim Report and the reports at the following webpage (MJ)
- Status of the open online course (MB, SR)
- Technical developments
- Evaluation matters
- Prospects for Virtual Workshops (MB)
- Review dissemination over the year, critique our performance (RA, MB)
- low attendance at dissemination events
- mixed reception for publications
- concentration on UK and Greek partners
- check dissemination table updates / status
- Review social media presence - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn (RA)
- Initiatives including CAS, BETT and IGGY (MB)
- Video tutorial resources / cartoon-style animation / in-tool documentation / commentary / voiceover (EH)
- Management of construals: how archive and control versions? (EH)
- Conference planning
- national CONSTRUITer comunities (SR)
- webpage
- local self-sustaining events
- virtual workshops
- topics for construal projects e.g. (MB)
- an opera, a walk, Rostock identification of Germany game
- teaching music and medicine
- national CONSTRUITer comunities (SR)
- Liaison with other projects such as TACCLE3 (all)
- Extended visits for 2015-6: Andres / Carolina? Rene / Ilkka? (DA, MT)
- Recruitment for C6 (all)
Project strategy
- Review the documentation of 'activities directed at generating IOs' (MB)
- Face-to-face project implementation meetings A13, A14, A15 not a good idea? (all)
- C11, C12, C13 coinciding with SciFest C8, C9, C10 problematic where project team concerned (all)
- The questionnaire - status of this (PK)
- Auditable evidence of work done? (MJ)
- Reporting obligations: A1-A6, O2-A2 and O3-A2 (MB)
- how far the evaluation promises have been fulfilled (O3-A1)
- how / how far partners have played the roles assigned to them
- C14 "a key issue moving forward as conveying what added value there is in making construals" (all)
- Dearth of makers! - vital to address (all)
- importance of paper / classroom resources
- culturally lagging behind other school resources
- cf. Scratch, processing, Arduino
- need to embrace other promotional models
- Funding for a follow-up project? (DA, PK)