SciFest 2016
Following the discussions that took place at the Pedagogy Interim Review at Warwick at the end of March and the C15 meeting in Athens in April, we are planning three activities to represent CONSTRUIT! at SciFest 2016. They will all make use of the latest version of the JS-Eden environment for making construals ("the MCE"). This is currently the version at
- a workshop about the sustainability of life on Mars - abstract at scifest2016/solarsystemex/abstract from the MCE project repository.
- a workshop on Arduinolas - abstract at scifest2016/arduinolas/abstract from the MCE project repository.
- a non-stop workshop similar to that which we organised at SciFest 2015.
The Mars workshop is being prepared by Russell Boyatt.
The Arduinolas workshop will be led by Tapani Toivonen with support from UEF students who attended C6.
The non-stop workshop will be hosted at the same location as the Mars workshop, and will be organised by the CONSTRUIT! project team members.
In addition to these workshop activities, we shall advertise informal sessions for teachers (to be held at the end of the school day on Thursday and Friday), possibly based on the introductory session for teachers we held at C15.
The CONSTRUIT! team attendees at SciFest 2016 will include: Ilkka Jormanainen, Tapani Toivonen and UEF students who attended C6 at Warwick in December, Juraj Karlubik from Comenius University, who was also a student on C6, Manolis Zoulias and Dimitris Alimisis from Edumotiva, Meurig Beynon, Elizabeth Hudnott, Chris Hall and Russell Boyatt from Warwick. We hope that other CONSTRUIT! representatives from UEF will also be able to attend and participate in the associated C12 project meeting.