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Budget and reporting

  • payment of expenses and for work done by Nick, Elizabeth and Jonny
  • further development of the CONSTRUIT! project construal / liaise with Soha Maad
  • prepare the Interim Report / understand the Mobility Tool (liaise with British Council)

Open online course and virtual workshops

  • documentation of the MCE
  • charting - and fixing - bugs where possible
  • refining the project list
  • incorporating index to the project repository

Preparation for Learning Activities at Athens ...

  • reworking Antony Harfield's worksheet for student workshop at C2
  • prepare resources for teachers' workshop e.g.
    • Shopping and associated OERs revised
    • giving change
    • ratio and proportion
    • noughts-and-crosses (Heng's proposals)
    • number representation / number line
    • linear algebra experience

... and at SciFest

  • prepare and post the description of the Arduino "Furby" workshop (for Tapani to translate)
  • revisit the solar system construal (Russell Boyatt)
  • plan for the non-stop workshop
    • update existing construals
    • add new construals (Jonny / Elizabeth)
    • prepare advertising materials for dissemination
  • logistics of the workshops: finalise how many sessions, how organised etc

1st International Conference on Making Construals (July 13 -16, 2017)

  • identify themes, contact relevant friends of CONSTRUIT!, establish programme committee, plan strategy

Conferences/workshops to prepare for

  • Association of Teacher of Mathematics (ATM) workshop on Wednesday 30th March
  • Workshop at CAS Annual conference in June: details by March 31st
  • WiPSCE October 2016 / submission due for early May
  • ALT-C at Warwick in September - submission 30th March

Plans also to prepare a paper about making construals in its relation to learning theories etc, to be led by Piet.