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Lab 9 - Installing tkeden-2.10

Installing tkeden-2.10 on a Windows machine

To install tkeden-2.10 on a Windows platform, a possible route is to first install a virtual machine with Ubuntu as the guest operating system, then obey the following instructions. These instructions assume that none of the major software components required to install tkeden-2.10 has already been installed. They were successfully followed to install tkeden-2.10 on the Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 operating system (ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso downloaded from running on the Sun VirtualBox (as downloaded from

A. Preparation

Before beginning the installation you should install the following packages:

  1. subversion:
        sudo apt-get install subversion
  2. autoconfig:
        sudo apt-get install autoconf
  3. C++ compiler:
        sudo apt-get install g++
  4. Tk/Tcl:
        sudo apt-get install tcl
        sudo apt-get install tcl-dev
        sudo apt-get install tk-dev
  5. PNG library:
        sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
  6. OpenGL development libraries:
        sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
        sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev
  7. xmu headers:
        sudo apt-get install libxmu-headers
  8. curse development library:
        sudo apt-get install libncurse5-dev
  9. readline development library:
        sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev
  10. texinfo:
        sudo apt-get install texinfo

You should then create a directory for the tkeden-2.10 code. This might be called doste-eden.

B. Install DOSTE

  1. Under the doste-eden directory, create a subdirectory doste and work within this directory.
  2. Check out doste from the subversion repository:
        svn co ./
  3. Invoke ./
  4. Invoke ./configure
  5. Invoke
  6. Invoke
        sudo make install
  7. Either reboot the virtual machine, or invoke:
        sudo ldconfig

C. Install EDEN

  1. Under the doste-eden directory, create a subdirectory eden and work within this directory.
  2. Check out eden from the subversion repository:
        svn co svn:// ./
  3. Invoke autoconfig:
  4. Invoke
  5. Invoke
        make tkeden
    You may encounter some compilation errors at this stage. Please ignore them and proceed to the next step.
  6. To complete the installation of tkeden-2.10, modify the /DOSTE/doste.cpp file so that in line 311 doste_init() path to file is correctly set . Then invoke:

To check whether tkeden-2.10 has installed properly, invoke tkeden-2.10 in doste-eden/eden/:
    ./tkeden -l ./lib-tkeden

If tkeden-2.10 has installed properly, you should see the input window of the tkeden-2.10

D. Install the Warwick Game Library

It is also useful to install the components of the Warwick Games Library (WGL). Whilst it will not be possible to implement complex graphical objects, such as the Stargate model, on the virtual machine, the WGL includes many useful widgets that can be used in creating interfaces and visualisations. It is worth noting that WGL is optional for tkeden-2.10 to work.

  1. Create a subdirectory wgd-lib within doste-eden and work within this directory.
  2. Check out eden:
        svn co
  3. Invoke
  4. Install ancillary development libraries:
        sudo apt-get install libxxf86vm-dev
        sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev
  5. Invoke
  6. Invoke
        sudo make install