Special themes
Railway History
- Back to the future
- Abermule, Tamworth [Report, Maps, LSD, Notes], Clayton Tunnel
- The Railway Disaster [exercises_v1 / exercises_v2, talking_points]
No satisfactory sources for these documents currently online?
The Abstract Definitive Machine
- The Abstract Definitive Machine (Lectures 5 and 7 from the Concurrency series)
- basic architecture
- illustrative examples: systolic array + railway station animation + Jugs in the ADM
- Human and Machine perspectives on the ADM
- the Authentic ADM
- the am and the telephone animation
- A series of eight lectures provided the main thread for the S4: EM for Concurrent Systems module:
- These were revised and posted online in the 2007-8 edition of CS405
- A source stemming directly from the S4 module was archived as a project by Charlie Care in 2005
- The animation of LSD accounts in the ADM was first illustrated by Mike Slade (cf. the telephone in the am)
- Cadence was one of several tools developed by Nick Pope that were used to support practical work in CS405:
- It was first introduced in 2010-11 and subsequently used in 2011-12
- some documentation and resources for Cadence were developed in 2010-11
- supplementary notes were appended to the Lab 2 exercise sheets [2010-11] / [2011-12]