Timetable S4: edition 2
Module S4 Definitive Methods for Concurrent Systems Modelling
Monday 1 November 1993
09.15 Module Overview
09.45 Lecture 1: General Principles of Definitive Programming
10.30 Demonstration: The Vehicle Cruise Control Simulation
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Lecture 2: Introducing Definitive Notations
12.00 Demonstrations and Tutorial on DoNaLD (room.d, digit-cabinet pun)
01.00 Lunch
02.00 Lecture 3: Introduction to EDEN programming
02.45 Demonstrations and Tutorial on EDEN (jugs.e aka tank.e)
03.15 Tutorial and Laboratory: Animating Railway Signals
04.00 Tea
04.15 Laboratory
05.00 Seminar 1: The Definitive Programming Project Reviewed
Tuesday 2 November 1993
09.00 Lecture 4: Visualisation and Concurrent Systems Modelling
09.45 Demonstration: Visual Interfaces with SCOUT and DoNaLD (lines, roomviewer, jugs.s)
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Lecture 5: An introduction to Scout
12.00 Tutorial and Laboratory: The Railway Bulletin Board
01.00 Lunch
02.00 Tutorial on the Scout-Donald-Eden system
02.45 Tutorial and Laboratory: Visualisation for an Integrated Railway Simulation
04.00 Tea
04.15 Laboratory
05.00 Seminar 2: Programming as Modelling
Wednesday 3 November 1993
09.00 Lecture 6: Agent-Oriented Modelling for Discrete Event Systems
10.00 Demonstration: The Railway Station Animation
10.20 Tutorial: LSD specification of the VCCS
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Lecture 7: Principles of LSD specification
12.00 Case studies: Telephone, Railway Station Animation, Electronic Catflap (notes)
01.00 Lunch
02.00 Workshop: Back to the Future: Current Computing in Railway History / slides
04.00 Tea
04.15 Laboratory
05.00 Seminar 3: Foundations of Programming
Thursday 4 November 1993
09.00 Lecture 8: The Abstract Definitive Machine
10.00 Tutorial: Animating LSD specifications in the ADM
Laboratory: Testing the telephone
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Lecture 9: Observations, continuity and events
12.00 Tutorial: Linking the ADM and EDEN
01.00 Lunch
02.00 Parallel Demonstrations: Beetles, Cricket, Billiards, Sailboat
02.30 Tutorial and Laboratory: Railway events, and animation in the ADM and EDEN
04.00 Tea
04.15 Laboratory Exercises - some railway related
05.00 Seminar 4: Definitive Methods for Programming and Parallelism
Friday 5 November 1993
09.00 Lecture 10: Extensions and Issues for LSD and EDEN
10.00 Tutorial and Demonstration: The Digital Watch and Statechart Animation
11.00 Coffee
11.15 Laboratory and Individual Consultations
01.00 Lunch
02.00 Seminar 5: Future Research Directions and Projects
03.00 Concluding Discussion
03.45 Module Debriefing
04.00 Tea / End
Railway resources associated with S4 edition 2 and later developments:
- Historic railway accidents
- Talking points on railway accidents
- Railway Station Animation
- Back to the Future
- One Day in Severn video / notes
- Notes on interlocking
- Railway / Parallel Computer Systems
- Red for Danger extracts
- Abermule image
- Rough notes on railway history
- Great Game of Britain: about / development schedule
- Exercises railway-related
- Clayton Tunnel accident summary
Assignment proposed topics
Exercises on DoNaLD, SCOUT and EDEN
Working notes on railway accidents
Informal notes on discussion points
Working notes Tuesday: lift adventure
[cf. OXO EM model as program spec]