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PhD positions at FoCS group (apply by March 31, 2019)

PhD positions are available in the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK.
The Theory and Foundations group in the department is inviting applications from those interested in theoretical computer science. The group works on various aspects of theoretical computer science such as:

  • algorithmic aspects of game theory and economics,
  • approximation algorithms,
  • automata and formal languages,
  • computational complexity,
  • cryptography and quantum computing,
  • discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and their applications,
  • graph and network algorithms,
  • logic and games,
  • online and dynamic algorithms,
  • parallel and distributed algorithms,
  • parameterized complexity and structural graph theory,
  • random structures and randomized algorithms,
  • sublinear and streaming algorithms,
  • string algorithms.

The group has strong ties with the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP), established in 2007 jointly with Warwick Mathematics Institute and Warwick Business School. Together with DIMAP, the group is one of the leading theory groups in Europe, with regular publications in top
international conferences and journals in theoretical computer science.

The Department of Computer Science at Warwick offers an excellent research environment. It was ranked 1st in the UK for scientific output and 2nd overall in the latest UK research assessment in Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2014.
The University of Warwick is one of the founding members of the Alan Turing Institute.

The university campus is located on the border of two counties, West Midlands and Warwickshire, is about one hour train ride from London, and 15 minutes from Birmingham International Airport.

The applicants interested in theoretical computer science are expected to have a strong background in discrete mathematics, algorithms, or related topics with undergraduate and/or Master's degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related disciplines. The position(s) will be fully funded, and the successful applicant(s) will be receiving a stipend at rate in line with current Research Councils UK rates.

If you are interested in this opening, please apply online by 31 March 2019 following the guidelines on the following page. Please indicate clearly your interest in Theory and Foundations and mention one of the group members as a potential supervisor.
To apply, go to: 

You are encouraged to informally contact group members you might want to work with prior to that.

Permanent members of the group:

Sat 16 Mar 2019, 16:53